The Lost and Forgotten

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When the girl awoke again, she saw that her body felt numb and broken, like pieces of a machine gone wrong. Her body ached, but it seemed she had bigger problems to deal with. 

"Nattie-chan, don't cry..." An unfamiliar voice cooed, and the sniffles and snorts of the older cousin of hers were able to be heard like a sharp noise echoing through a cave. She could feel little sparks of an igniting fire in her chest, but fear put it down like a bucket of water. What was this? She'd never felt this before, she didn't know what to do. If this continued any longer, how would her will keep up with it? 

"C'mon, Nattie-chan. Let's get you some clothes." Another voice crowed, it older and like her dad's. Her dad... Immediately, her eye snapped open, and so, despite the pain, she started to prop herself up on her elbow. Her side ached, and her eyes hurt like they were jabbed by thumbs on fire. She really needed to get her imagination under control.

"I... But, my-my family..." Daichi was able to hear the meek protest in Nat's voice, but it faded as there was silence. The big moment of silence showed that Nat was thinking, and the flare burned harsher and more strong than ever in her chest. She needed to know what that feeling was. Why couldn't she stop it from consuming her? She heard voices; she could hear the whispers of people she didn't know, muttering curses and bad words into her ear, her throat closing up and her eyes clenching closed. No. Nat-Nat couldn't leave her. Nat wouldn't leave her. 

Tears filled her eyes as she couldn't move, she could only watch as her cousin turned, looking around for somehting, someone. She could not see Daichi, though, the young girl knew. "No..." She tried to whisper, but no words or sound came to her vocals. Why couldn't she speak? If only she could say something,  even babble a few useless words that she would always do before all of this. Why now? Why at the time when her home was leaving her? Was this what most called 'heartbreak'?

But this wasn't a breakup; her uncle always complained about 'heartbreak' when a girl left him. It had happened often. Maybe if he cut off that mop of hair, girls would go for him. Noticing the tufts of familiar dark hair beside the head that rolled, bile filled her throat. The man with blue flames already had that covered for him.

"You need a home, Nat-chan." The old man reminded the child, her heart plummeting as the other girl only nodded, sniffling more and wiping at her eyes. "There we are..." He smiled a little to her cousin with a cheeky smirk that set Daichi's eye aflame with growing darkness, her tears growing more angered and hateful than the grief and sadness that clung to her at first.

Watching as the four figures started to fade as they walked away, Daichi's heart wept as she was left.

Daichi was now the Forgotten.  



"Oi, you brat. Geddup." A harsh voice demanded, and so she perked up to look at a man who had a snarl on his face, his eyes big and a red color. His dark hair was oily and greased back, his lips pulled back from his unstraightened teeth. "Lucifer, she's awake. Do yeh want me to kill 'er now?" At this, the Hatome's eyes widened and she scrambled back, only to wail at the amount of pain lifting her arm gave.

"Don't try to run, little girl," Another voice mused, and so Daichi turned to look to a man with navy blue hair, his expression amused as he twirled a piece of his shaggy hair around his finger. "It'll only result in a more painful drowning of your soul." He snickered, and tears fill the small girl's eyes out of fear. These guys were scary, much scarier than the elders of her clan.

        "Please don't frighten her too much, Egyn." The blonde haired man scolded the man, and so she sniffled a little, squirming away from the others' reach. "She'll be useful." Looking to the man, his expression stoic but flickering of curiosity. Daichi felt the small flicker like a warm flame of hope, reassuring her until her eyelids fell from exhaustion. She fell forward, and to her surprise, a man caught her. He had flaming red hair, that contrasted slightly from his amber colored eyes. Setting the girl down next to him, he pressed his hand to her wound, a small frown on his face

"She is of our enemy, Lucifer. What must we do?" The man asked quietly, his voice weary and his eyes narrowed, watching the small girl's chest heave up and down in frantic movements to breath, like a rabbit when one would squeeze it between their hands. Looking over to the girl, the blonde man's eyes softened; her fragile state reminded him much of someone he could distinctly remember. As if this memory decided for him, he nodded.

"We will make her one of us."



Waking up after what felt like an eternity, Daichi turned to look at her caretaker, blue eyes widening as she saw that her arm was the same as before; pale and tiny for her two year old frame, but it looked bigger. Looking around to notice her grown frame, she saw that it seemed, at the least, 5 years older. Her face felt like cold water had washed it till the blood and gore was clean from her face and even her memory.

"Ah, you've noticed." A new figure said with a monotone voice, his face like a stone carving, his amber eyes like flames of the hearth that would keep her family-no, her old family- warm during harsh winters, even though they had cage things that kept them warm in what the elders had called, 'the modern days'. How long had she slept? It seemed like ages since her bones had last moved, what had happened?

One image slipped to her mind; Natsuki Hatome, her beloved cousin, was walking away from her. She was holding hands with someone else. Not herself, not Yukine, not a Hatome. She could see that her smile was pure and full of bliss, her figure turned to ignore the horrid scene around her. Disgust filled the chest of Daichi, and her eyes squeezed shut to try and dismiss this, the rational part of her mind trying to decipher a different meaning to this.

"Do not rush yourself, Daichi. You will only make it harder upon yourself." The man started, frowning as he started to slowly get up. Hearing his scolding, the girl nodded slowly, her face scrunching up, as if trying to hide the fact that her conscious was shattered, and that, even though the girl wouldn't dare admit it, she was scared.

"Hello~" A new figure burst through the doorway of the room, his hair blue and shaggy, a dopey expression worn on his face. Blinking, Daichi slowly tried to turn her head, pulling up her hand to rub the sleep that lingered in her eyes. "Who would've thought you'd wake up this soon? After five short years, you woke up from your nap!" The man mused, giving a giddy smile before patting the red haired man's head with a grin, canine teeth peeking out from under his lip.

"Five-" Daichi clutched at her chest, her eyes widening and then squeezed shut, the girl trying to hide the immense pain that leisurely spread from her chest. "Five years?" She sputtered, frowning at the men who stood in front of her. The blue haired man had cocked his head to the side, confusion obvious on his pale face, while the redhead reached out to help her.

"Like I have said, Daichi. You must rest." The red headed man chided, his rough and work-hardened hands firm on my shoulders, pushing the girl back to lay down in her bed. Huffing for breath, Daichi tried to protest, though she already felt exhausted. "We will get some food for you; however, you must rest. Do you understand?" Satisfied at the sight of the brunette's bleary nod, he gets up, pulling the blanket over the small girl's frame with a soft jerk.

"Who... Who are you?" Daichi managed to murmur sleepily, her eyelids closing as the man neared her, his eyes holding her gaze, even if it was darkening with leaving unconsciousness each second.

"We are your...friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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