Summer: Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-one

The next day, Johnny arrived at my doorstep to hand me a piece of paper.  “We tracked her down,” he said, smiling at me.  “Wow, Silas was right.  You are a looker.”

“Nice professionalism,” I muttered at him, and he smiled bigger.

“I’m just honest.  Don’t have a secret to keep.”

“Well, thanks, Johnny.  Did you give this to Mr. James?”

“Yup,” he said, his smile fading.  “There’s a man that needs a woman to take care of him.  He really needs to grow up and realize he doesn’t live in a granite box.  I gave him Nicole’s mother’s address and name, and the man went green in the gills.  He doesn’t have Silas’ grit, that’s for sure.”

I stared at the man.  “I like you, Johnny.”

He held up his hands in mock surrender.  “Hey, don’t get all big-eyed on me.  I’m just doing my job.”  Then he smiled again and leaned against the door facing.  “Of course, my job just got a lot more enjoyable.”

“I thought Silas said you were married.”

“I am.  And I bless that day and the ground Amy walks on.  But…” he interjected, holding a finger to my face.

“No but’s.  Thank you for the update.  Now go home to your wife.”

He laughed and shrugged away from his leaning post.  “I like you, too, Min.  I hope Silas has a strong hold on you.  I know there’s a lot of disappointed men out there because of it.”

He waved back as he trotted down the steps and left.  I returned to the living room.  Amber came out of the office.  For two days, she’d been scouring the internet for information on Ashley’s fellowship award.

“Yes,” she said, visibly shaking from the effort of uttering that one word.

“I beg your pardon?”  I looked up from the address in my hand, not sure what she was talking about.

Amber took a steady breath.  “You were right.  This is a perfect opportunity for Ashley…”

I grinned and made to hug her, but she put some space between us, obviously not finished.  “I have two conditions.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“She finishes high school.”

“Already on the top of my list.”

“And I come on every trip until she is old enough to look after herself.”

That I frowned at.  “What age do you think that is?”

She lowered her eyes to her shoes.  “Thirty-five.”

I started to protest that, but she looked up then and said, “But I’ll settle for eighteen.  I won’t like it, but I have to let her go sometime.”

Tears sprang to my eyes.  “Oh, Amber.”  And I did hug her then.  Ashley hopped down the stairs and stopped when she saw us.

“What’s going on?  Did someone die?”

“Yes,” Amber said, and sobbed into my shoulders.  I laughed and held her tight.


Silas turned off the shower and stepped out into the steamy bathroom.  A dark-haired woman stood there, waiting for him.

“Jesus!”  He grabbed a towel and hastily wrapped it around his waist.  “Who are you?”

“I’m Bell.  I’m a friend of Min’s.”

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now