Teaser: NOT A CHAPTER!!!!

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This is NOT a chapter jus felt bad for not uploading and some of you might get mad that its not a chapter

but anyways i didn't put whose tlkin...i want u guys to figure it out



"It's not mines!" I shouted, my nostril flaring. It couldn't be mine, I didn't want it to be mine. I tried to hold back my anger as I cracked my knuckles and tried to restrain myself from punching a locker.

"Who else would it be?" She shouted back, "We slept together a month ago and now I'm a month pregnant."

Please don't let it be mine, I silently prayed. I can't mess up my relationship with Blake.

"What about Jason?" I pressed. "You slept with him too."

She shook her head furiously. "Jason and I slept together two weeks ago; it can't be his."

This time I couldn't restrain myself from punching a locker. I knew I would regret this later at football practice but I was just too damn mad to give a fuck right now so I suppressed the pain.

"Fuck." I cursed.

"I just want my baby to grow up with a dad in its life." Her voice was pleading.

"No offense Nicole," I sighed, "but half the population of the guys in this school could be the possible father to your unborn baby so don't put all this pressure on me espicially when I have a girlfriend."

I watched as she tucked some stranded blond hair behind her ear and then her contacted blue eyes became all bloodshot. She looked like she wanted to kill me. I bet she would kill me if she could.

"What's so special about her?" She sneered, "All I hear at this damn school is Blake this, Blake that. I'm sick of tired of hearing about that fucking slut."

I never thought about hitting a woman before and in fact, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind...until now as I hear Nicole calling Blake a slut.

Blake is the opposite of a slut actually; she's so innocent but yet so stubborn. She's outgoing but most people don't know that she prefers to stay home. She loves the color red cause it matches her hair and her eyes light up like a christmas tree when she gets really excited.

I felt my anger diminished as I thought about why Blake was so special to me. I felt defeated; I was going to loose my girlfriend. The girl I loved the first time I laid my eyes on her.

I walked away from Nicole as I had nothing else to say to her.

I stopped dead in my tracks though after a few steps when I saw who was blocking my path and it was clear by the look on his face that he had heard the whole conversation.

And just like that my anger returned.


So who knows what's happening in this scene?



if u want me to continue cuz the full chapter of this is coming soonn

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