Chapter 3: Home *Pic of Annie*

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Chapter 3: Home

Annie's P.O.V

Waking up for the second time in the van was better than the first time. I felt well rested and sat up. I looked out the window and my eyes widened as this road we were on looked very familiar. It was a road I would know anywhere. I watch as the house that was once my favorite place appear. To make things worse, we pulled up in there. My eyes widened as I looked at my old house that was really a castle. Pimp looked at me and laughed. I blinked to make sure I was really seeing it. This was the home I grew up in, the home we got that call that ruined my life, and the house were my brother left. I was blank. See, when I was 10, my mother died in a car crash, she was hit by a drunk driver. Three years later, my brotherran away. That was when my father decided it was time for us to move. My father is very rich, but he's still a druggie who won't give me any money.

When my mother died, for three years, my brother and I had depended on each other. he was my brother, my best friend, and the one who took care of me. My dad beat us both, and one day my brother finally decided he had enough. He left. What made it worse was he left in the middle of the night, he only left me a letter. He thought that maybe he was the reason our father beat us, and that if he left, our father would stop beating me. He was dead wrong. It only got worse. For two years, I had to endure the pain of the beatings, of being alone, and knowing that everybody hated me. The day my mother died, I was broken, as was my brother. We began to repair each other. That was, until he left. The day he left was the day I died on the inside. Now, look at me. I got kidnapped and I wouldn't care if I got shotor killed right now.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Fight said,"Hello? Anybody home?" I glared at him with so much hatred he took a step back. I asked,"You live here?" He just nodded and I looked at the house that was still my home. I've missed it and now a bunch of idiots lived here. Pimp and Silent got that other girl out and I glared at them as they weren't as gentle as they should be. Silent said,"Hey, follow us, and don't be stupid and try anything." I shrugged and said,"Whatever." He glaredat me and then sighed. He smiled at Fight randomly then. Weirdos. I followed hem inside, pushing back all the memories. There was alot the same, not the pictures, but the furniture. See, when we moved, we left everything behind. I mean everything, even the pictures, but, they were all stored up in my special room. My eyes widened as I realized I could have my old room back. As long as it isn't someone elses. The thought pissed me off. I took a deep breath and put on an emotionless mask.

Soon, we got to the top of thetwentieth floor where all the guest rooms were. I then asked,"Are all the rooms on this floor guest rooms?" Fight nodded. I then asked,"And none are used? At all?" Pimp said,"Nope." I felt relieved my room was used for anything. I said,"Ok, and am I staying in one of the rooms?" Silent said,"Yes. You will be staying-" I cut him of by walking down to where my old room was. I opened it and it was exactly the same. I said in a monotone looking at them,"This is where I'll be staying." Then I walked in the room and shut the door. I walked over and fell on my old bed. It looked the same as it did two years ago. Later tonight, I'll go into my special room and see if they've been able to find it. It was then hat Fight stuck his head in. he said,"I think their are some clothes in here that will fit you. Oh, and I'm going to have to lock this door from the outside. There's a bathroom in here, so you should be good. Food will be brought to you. You will stay here for awhile, I'm not sure how long." I glared at him and nodded once.

He sighed and looked hurt but left. I suddenly wanted to comfort him.I was snapped out of that thought asI heard him lock the door. He is my kidnapper, I can not feel bad for him. I feel bad for nobody. I sighed and was glad that before I left two years ago, thatI took down all the pictures, or who knows what would have happened to them. The idiots would also know that I once lived here. I got up and walked into my walk in closet. I went to the very back right corner and pulled the dresser away. I then had to push the tiny door that was basically invisible to the left. I crawled through the hole and then pulled the dresser back. I slid the door shut and stood up. I had to climb up this rope ladder to get to my hidden room. it was like the attic, but better and my room was the only way to get there. As I got in there, It was exactly as i had left it. A mini fridge, a king size bed, a closet, a bathroom, and all my personal things. Like my ipod, my cell phone,my flat screen tv, my lab top, my poetry journals, my sketch books, my CD's of when I was in a band with my friends and brother.

Tears filled my eyes as I thought of my friends I left behind when I moved. I told them thatI would come back one day, but I never had a way to keep in touch. My cell phone still worked. I still payed the bill even though I haven't used it in two years. I now realized that I could get a hold of people. I could get some of my old friends to help me, well if they will. But then I'd have to go back home, those idiots would go to jail, and for some reason, I couldn't bear the thought of that, and I would probably end up dead since I can't take living with my father. Also, this might be fun. I can start new, well, soon. First, I have to figure out what these idiots want. Maybe I can just leave though... There are actually alot of secret passages in this house. And I know them better than anyone ever can. But still, I want to know what they want with me... Maybe I'll just stay a little longer though...

Shane's P.O.V

I sighed.I was miserable in my room. All I wanted to do was go visit my mate. I don't even know her name yet! I just want to be near her. Ugh! I hope she doesn't try to escape. Others have, and failed, but something tells me that if she wanted to be gone, she could do it without being found. Ugh! This is killing me. I got up and walked down to the kitchen, where my father, Shawn, and James were. They told me five minutes ago that my father wanted to meet up and talk about my mate. I got there and sat down in the living room, next to the fireplace. I asked,"Yes?" My father said,"I'm so happy for you son. I want to meet your mate! Will you go get her and introduce us. Hopefully she'll fall for you soon, so we won't have to worry about her running away. Oh! I just can't wait to have a daughter in law. Think of what your mother will think! She'll be so happy when she gets back from the store." I smiled and said,"Yeah, I'll go get her." Then I stood up and half ran to her room. But when I got there, the room... it was empty...

Annie's P.O.V

After I looked at my phone and checked my email, I decided to go to the kitchen and get a coke, then look around. I knew I couldn't get out of my room by the door, so I went back through the closet and opened a secret passage that goes to the kitchen. I started walking through the passages. They were dark, but i knew my way there. It was cozy to be able to do what I use too. I headed to the kitchen and when I got there, I made sure to listen very intently to make sure nobody was in there before I opened up the door. I stepped out and shut it again. I went to the fridge and got out a coke. I then walked towards the living room. I stopped out and listened as I realized there were people in there.Iheard someone come down the stairs and then heard Fight's voice. "She, um, she's not in there dad." I heard pain and fear in his voice. I smiled. This was going to be funny. Then I heard a deep voice I didn't recognize say,"WHAT? How? Every girl that has tried to escape was only able to do it when we started to trust them. Her door was still lock, right?" I think he nodded. That guy continued,"So how did she get out?" I heard him say,"I don't know."

I decided it was time I showed myself. I walked in and leaned against the door frame. As their jaws dropped, I took a drink of my coke and said,"What's up people?" They all had shock on their faces. Probably because I just somehow showed up with a coke, when I was suppose to be in an inescapable room. Yeah right. I smiled an innocent smile and said,"What?" ThenInoticed that those idiots had a man in his early thirties maybe, with them. He stood and walked forward. His aura shone with dominance, but it didn't affect me. Not one bit. He put his hand and I took it andshook it firmly. He smiled and said,"Ah, and you must be the girl that my sons and their friend have kidnapped." I nodded and said,"Yep, my name's Annie." He said,"I am Kade. I bet these guys didn't tell you their name's. This," Pimp "-is Shawn. And this," Silent "-is James. And last but not leats, this," Fight "-is Shane." Hm, Shane. It suits him. Kade then asked,"So would you mind telling me how you escaped from you room?" I smiled and said,"I would mind. It's a secret."

He smiled real big and turned toShane. He said,"I like this girl Shane." I smiled. I suddenly felt at peace, at home. And I was. I was finally Home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2010 ⏰

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I Ran Away Only To Get Kidnapped By My... WEREWOLF MATE? WTF?Where stories live. Discover now