Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Things changed that night. Jason had felt the mood switch like a change in the wind direction, a prelude that a season was over and another waited in the wings, but as to what it would bring, that was unknown. He could not put the change adequately into words for it was more of a feeling, something that could only be touched upon in a state of mind rather than verbally for it was only subtle, without body and substance, though very real and tangible. 

His first encounter with David cemented his feeling, his notion that there was a change. They had exchanged a look between them after nearly two days without actually seeing each other. Things had happened on either mans side but circumstance had kept them apart to alleviate conflict. It was a look that had never been shared before, both for reasons only they themselves knew. Oddly, the visual tension was not commented on but not lost on either man, but it existed none the less. An invisible line had been drawn; each side had squared up to each other for known and unknown reasons, readying themselves for a conflict that was always never wanted, unthinkable but distantly possible, though feared for the implications. Jason felt unready to tackle his father on certain questions. The silence was eventually broken when they exchanged pleasantries albeit strained initially, though they opened up soon after with enquiries to each other about their day. When David offered to cook dinner, Jason casually accepted, he would deal with the implications of eating afterwards and away from his father. Jason wondered aimlessly around the house for a while until David called him for dinner. As he was eating, Jason decided that he would not press his father about his absence earlier that morning or talk of the planes. If it was a string of innocent happenings then he was sure that the old man would touch on them in conversation and unprompted. 

As the meal was consumed, David did not mention anything remotely connected to either subject. Jason conceived that he would manoeuvre round his father like a patient chess player, setting up situations for gain ultimately leading to a final result. He implemented his plan as they neared the end of their dinner. 

'So how's the setup going in the lab? You must be nearly there now, the amount of time you've been putting in over there.' 

David stared at his son momentarily, and then smoothly decided he was finished with dinner and began to clear the table. 

'Yes, it's been a long old slog but things are shaping up nicely. I'm not going back until I start up full time next Monday. I've been neglecting things here I think.' 

Jason waved a boiled carrot theatrically around on his fork as he continued. 

'Is the lab much of a jaunt to get to? I don't even know whereabouts it is, you haven't said.' 

David began to load the sink up but continued to reply multi tasking as he did so. 

'Not very far considering. It is about a twenty minute drive actually.'  

'Where is it located? Town? Industrial estate?' 

'Industrial estate. Why the sudden interest? Don't play with your food.' 

Jason buried the carrot and pressed on. 

'Well I just wanted to know for when I start there that's all. I thought if I can bike it then fine but if not then I'm gonna have to consider getting some wheels to get to and from.' 

David turned and smiled at the acknowledgment of his sons' agreement to come and work with him as well as the obvious genuine interest. 

'Not planning to start and finish with me then?' 

'Hey, you've got to bed me in lightly at first. We don't want you burning me out too soon now do we?' 

David frowned. 'Are you saying that I do too many hours son?' 

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