Chapter 37 Mikael

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Klaus' POV

There stood my step father. He looked the exact same before I killed him. Short white-ish hair, same clothing, and the surprising thing is, is that he didn't look mad. He looked happy to see all of us again. He looked at the witches who were standing up.

Kayla, and Bella were with Elijah, and Melinda was standing close to Finn. Sage was also standing close to Finn.

My mother was standing on her own, and Bonnie she was with Damon, Stefan, and Elena.

"Hello. It's nice to see you all again." he said smiling. "There are some new faces I see." he added smiling at them. I looked to Kayla, and she was smiling. It looked like she was happy. I suppressed an eye-roll.

"What nobody has to say anything?" he asked frowning. I bet Kayla is going to be sarcastic to. . .

"Hi." she muttered. I looked in her direction. She was trying to suppress a giggle.

"You must be my grand-daughter, am I right?" he asked turning to her direction.

"Maybe." she said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes she's our grand-daughter." mother said. "The woman to Elijah's left is Bella. Those two are together." she added.

Mikael's POV

"What nobody has to say anything?" I asked frowning at all of them.

"Hi." muttered a girl. I suppressed a smile.

"You must be my grand-daughter, am I right?" I asked turning to the girl's direction.

"Maybe." she said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes she's our grand-daughter." Esther said. "The woman to Elijah's left is Bella. Those two are together." she added. I nodded, and looked at everyone. Indeed there are a few new faces, but most of them are familiar.

"Shall we go inside?" I asked gesturing towards the house. They nodded, and we all went into the house. We sat down in the living-room, and my grand-daughter was sitting next to me along with Esther.

"Esther filled me in on everything, I just need to memorize some faces." I said shrugging.

"I'm Kayla." said my gran-daughter. I turned my head towards her and smiled. She returned it.

"I'm Bella." said the blond that is with my oldest, Elijah.

"I'm Melinda another witch." muttered a girl with black hair, and blue eyes. I nodded, but noticed her posture seemed stiff. She seemed scared of me.

I looked to both of the girls that were leaning against the wall next to each other.

"Were the slayers. I'm Faith," said the one with dark brown, almost black hair, and brown eyes. "and that's Buffy." Faith pointed to the girl next to her that had blond hair, and greenish blue-ish eyes.

"Why are you so feared?" Buffy asked. I sighed.

"I'm the oldest vampire which makes me stronger. Another thing is, is that I drink vampire blood. Remember Katerina?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her. My now youngest boy froze, and I realized they were holding hands.

"How could I?" she muttered sarcastically, making me roll my eyes.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kayla asked confused.

"He drank from me when I woke him up. He almost put me in a damn coma!" she yelled making me roll my eyes once more.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to do it on purpose. He needed blood." Kayla assured her making me smile slightly.

Will Our Love Be The Same? (Sequel to 'You're My Father?')Where stories live. Discover now