∆Chatper 4∆

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When we were all ready to go I led the way. I asked Alice to stay in front with me just increase Edward will get protective with me in the wheel. As I hit the highway me speed changed into110 miles per hour. Alice seems perfectly calm but Edward and Jasper were exchanging worried glances. I sighed. I watched Carlisle's car behind me, right on my tail. I smiled knowing that they were able to keep up.

“Bella? Why are you such in a hurry?” Edward said watching the speedometer. I laughed, but before I could answer Jasper caught my sights in the rearview mirror, and all of a sudden the atmosphere of the car changed from tense and anxious to calm and relax. I smiled at him as a thank you. “I don't get you; you hate it if I drive a hundred miles per hour but you—.”

“I can drive much faster is you want.” I joked..

“Bella, eyes on the road please.” he exclaimed as he saw me looking at him from the mirror. I simply nodded and did what I was told to do.

“Edward? Do you know what this reminds me of?” I asked

“No what?” He told me.

“Don’t you remember, the night in Port Angles? (Please correct me if I’m wrong.)” I laughed. He laughed with me.

“Of course, how can I forget? I am actually still waiting when you will go to shock.” he said.

“At least now you will know why I won't go to shock.” I mumbled. Then there was nothing to talk about. When we were two turns away their phone rang, but the ring tone was different. It was the ring tone specifically for Stanly whenever he calls me and that is never, so that was a first.

“Ah, this is a first.” I said getting my phone and answering it immediately, assuming there was a problem, of sorts.

“Stanly? This is new. What's up?” I asked tentatively.

“Nothing. Where are you now?” He said in his usually cool and collected tone, which I hate.

“We are now a left away.” I answered with a smile.

“Okay I'll open the gates then.”

“'Kay.” I said then hang up. I took the last turn on to the dirt road, well hidden with grass and bushes. Hidden enough when you drive pass by you’d think nothing of it but an abandon dirt road with weeds and grass starting to cover it.  But at the end of the road there was a wall that was literally 20 meters tall with a matching steel gate, which was still close, I may add. I wanted to call Stanly as I got closer and closer to the closed gate. As I got closer and closer, leaving a 30 feet distance between us and the closed gates, it suddenly open reveling a circle driveway, with a huge fountain in the middle. As I entered the gates, I saw Stanly with a black umbrella over his head, and he was not alone there was seven men with a black umbrellas in their hands they were all wearing a 3 piece suit with white gloves that reminds me of a butler. I raised one eyebrow at the sight I was seeing. As soon as both cars turned off its engines all eight doors opened spontaneously by all the men in black suits. I looked up who open my door it was Stanly. He looked like an angel, well they all do. They all had black hair and all of them were warring brown contacts to hide their eye color from me. I always figured that it’s not pleasant sight for me to see their real eye color. Now that I think about it, I assume its red. They were all in their mid- twenties. All eight of them were wearing black suits, which I find so funny. I shook my head not accepting the umbrella from Stanly. We all stepped out in the car and everyone was under the umbrellas protecting them from the rays of the sun, except for me. We all walked towards the wooden front door which was closed. I looked up at Stanly as we stand in front of the door.

“You know you could just stay inside and wait for us to come in. This is so unnecessary, you know.” I said calmly. He nodded in agreement but remained quite. I opened the door that reveling two doorways which was perfectly aligned with the round table in the middle of the foyer with held fresh flowers and some pictures of my family and I, the right door leads to the Living room on the left leads to the kitchen, and the grand staircase which is smacked in the center aligned with the door and the table leaning to the second floor of the house. We all went to the living room. The Cullens sat on the couches arounf the room; Alice was the only one who sat next to me and Stanly was standing behind the couch where Alice and I sat.

My Dark Secret *Edited*Where stories live. Discover now