Chapter 27

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- In this chapter we meet the Ghost Knight. You can catch his picture over to the right. (Or above if you're in a mobile device). Opinions on him?

Also- In case you forgot how Draknorr looks like, head over to Chapter 24.

For the Blood Empress, head over to Chapter 25

For Cidralic, check out Chapter 26

And here we go.


 Falcon squeezed his eyes shut, hoping to make the image dissolve, but when he opened them the same horrific scene welcomed him back. He tried to speak, but the words caught in his throat. With a slow breath, Falcon suppressed the flutters in his belly. "What did you do to him, Draknorr? Brainwash him?"

Draknorr laughed. "I did nothing of the sort. Your friend simply recognizes the winning side when he sees it. Look at you and your army. It's filled with fools, and you're the biggest of them all, unwilling to admit what is right before your eyes."

"How could you do this, Lao?" asked Aya, her voice shaking as much as her body. "We're your friends."

A slow grin spread across Lao's face, but he remained silent.

"This is no time for pleasantries," said the dark knight, Draknorr. "Attack. Kill them all!"

Falcon's mind was still in stun mode when the Suteckh soldiers commenced their attack. He clumsily unsheathed his katana and, in one unbalanced sweep, ran it through the first wave of assailants.

More soldiers rushed him. Falcon eyed the small opening in their armor above the waist. With a single well-placed swipe, he cut down four of them where they stood. He sensed danger behind him and turned just in time to avoid the spear aimed at his head. He countered by jumping forward and ramming the sword through the soldier's stomach. The tall man made a sick gurgling sound as he crumpled to the ground.

Lao pushed two Suteckh soldiers at Falcon. "Get him, you fools. You have him surrounded." But Falcon dispatched the two soldiers before they could bring down their weapons, which only served to make Lao hiss in anger.

Falcon moved toward Lao as an arrow whizzed past him, so close that it made his hair move. Falcon wielded a shield of earth to stop it, but before he could harden it the arrow found its mark between a young soldier's eyes.

All around him Asturian soldiers fell, some dead, others barely alive. Their agonized screams permeated the air. He cringed at the havoc before him.

"Take out the Rohads and the rest will follow," commanded Lao.

Both crimson ghouls pounced on Aya. They moved with speed and deadly precision.

Aya pulled out two small sticks she carried around her waist, and with a push of a button they extended to her trademark blue batons. With them in hand she blocked, dodged and weaved between her assailants' attacks. Aya gestured with her hand. A thick burst of water exploded through the ground and thrust a ghoul thirty feet in the air. Then, with a loud thundering, it crashed back down to the ground.

The ghoul flipped back up as soon as he fell and continued his relentless punch attacks. Aya took a step back, her face revealing her shock at the demon's quick recovery.

"Hang on, Aya!" shouted Falcon. "I'm on my way."

"Stop him," Lao said.

As ordered, the gargantuan Cidralic jumped in front of Falcon. Falcon grasped his swords tightly. He resisted the urge to cover his nose to suppress the morbid stench the poison wielder emitted.

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