♥ 13 signs you're falling in love

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Signs you're falling in love :)

♥ You cant stay mad at him for more than a minute.

♥  You'll read his message over and over again.

♥  You'll walk really really slow while you're with him.

♥  You'll feel shy whenever you're with him.

♥ While thinking about him your heart will beat faster and faster.

♥  By listening to his voice you'll smile for no reason.

♥  While looking at him you can't see the other people around you.. You can only see that person.

♥  You'll start listening to slow songs.

♥  He becomes all you think about.

♥  You'll get high just by his smell.

♥  You'll realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think of him.

♥  You'll do anyhting for him.

 ♥ While reading this, there was ONE PERSON on your mind the whole time.

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