1: The First Encounter

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Tell me what you think. I will add a prologue once I figure out what to put in it. 


(Jen is 6)

Jen found herself sitting in an area with darkness all around her, not in her bed where she fell asleep on moments ago. Standing up, the brunette called out for her mom and dad in hopes they would answer; however, when they didn't, Jen's fear increased. She then started to call out for everyone she knows hoping at least on of them would at least answer her, but when she heard no response, Jen fell onto her knees and sobbed. She was alone in a dark place, two of her greatest fears as a child. Jen never liked the dark, in fact, she was very much afraid of it. Suddenly, Jen heard foot steps coming towards her and when she looked up, the area started to get lighter. 

"H-Hello?" A male's voice called out.

"G-Go away!" Jen screamed out. Her parents told her never to talk to strangers, no matter what, but when the footsteps retreated, the light followed it.

"Wait! Please come back!" Fear of the dark took over the need for her to obey her parents' wishes.

The footsteps came closer along with the light and soon the dark area was turned into a light, calming blue with different colors above and the furniture all around. The area seemed to be more of a room of a child if anything. Jen look around the room in awe seeing how pretty it was without the darkness. Soon Jen's eyes landed on a boy a bit older than her with black hair that covered his eyes wearing a black long sleeve and shorts and around his neck was a blue crystal surrounded by black.

"Um, hi" Jen gave the boy a small smile and wave.

The boy tilted his to the side in confusion letting his black hair fall away from his light ocean blue eyes, "Who are you?"     

"I-I'm J-Jen" The brunette stuttered, never has she ever seen such color eyes before, especially pretty ones, "Wh-what's your n-name?"

The boy didn't answer, instead he was inspecting Jen seeing if she was a threat of not. That's when he notices the scrapes on her arms and legs, and how her what use to be cleaned pink dress was now torn up and dirty.

"What happened?" The boy pointed the scrapes and messed up dress.

"Oh, it was a little accident with my sister" Jen lied. By no means it was an accident, she knows her sister did it on purpose, nothing she ever did was an accident.

Earlier that day, Jen's sister, Jill, had pushed her down onto the ground at least twice as her and her friends made fun of her. Jill did stuff like that to Jen with her friends, though not where adults were present especially their parents, in attempt to get her to cry, which was rare. Though the second time Jill pushed her down, Jen had cried since she scarped her arms and legs on the rough concrete, and ruining her favorite dress. This giving Jill exactly what she wanted as she laughed at her sister and made fun of her. Without another word, Jen ran to her room with tears streaming down her face, ignoring everyone who ask if she was okay.

As thoughts about the earlier events with Jen and her sister surfaced, Jen, unknowing, had tears fall from her face 

When the boy seen this he rushed over to comfort her and wipe away her tears. Already the boy knew he didn't like to see her cry and wanted to erase her sadness.

"Hey, don't cry" The boy whispered gently wiping Jen's tears away, "No one can hurt you here there's nothing to cry about"

Jen nodded and whimper, "I-I'm sorry"

"There's nothing to be sorry about, now let's get those scraps cleaned up" The boy said with a soft smile on his face. The blue eye boy lead Jen to a small bed then went to get the first aid kit in the bathroom that connected to his room. He couldn't fix her dress, but he could fix her injuries before they become worse.

The boy started to patch up Jen while she made conversation with him to distract herself from the burning sensation of the disinfectant.

"So how old are you?"

"I'm 8"

"You're older than me by two years! Is this your room?" Jen asked looking around the room in wonder.

 "Yes" The boy smiled, he was happy that Jen wasn't sad anymore, "well sort of, this is the place I sometimes come to when I'm asleep though I never seen someone else here before."

"So, this is a dream" Jen frowned. At first she hoped it was a dream, now she wish it wasn't because the boy, who she is calling Ocean due to his eyes, was so nice to her unlike some people she knows.

"Not technically" Ocean sat next to Jen when he was done patching her up, "It's a bit complicated to explain."

Before Ocean could say anything else, the world started to shake scaring Jen and making Ocean frown.

"What's happening!?" Jen screamed and clung onto Ocean who hugged her back.

"Don't be afraid, this happens when I wake up, well it's you who is waking up" Ocean explained.

"But I don't want to wake up! I want to see you again!"

The room started to turn white as furniture disappeared.

"You will" Ocean smiled, "This isn't the last time we see each other"


Ocean started to disappear like everything else and just before he faded away and Jen vision turned black, he said two words that brought a smile to the brunette's face.

"I promise"

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