~ Chapter Four ~

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Author's Note.

Hello everybody. As you probably know i have had this story on hold for quite some time and I'd rather not mention exactly how long since... well let's just skip this part.

Anyways I completely forgot about this story actually until recently when i logged into my wattpad account and began reading it again. At the end of chapter three i suddenly remembered that there was something more i had written and i wondered if i had saved it. So i searched my hard disk till i finally found the file and what do you know? The begging of chapter four had already been written down. So impulsively i began to write it again.

Naturally i had forgotten most of the plot  but it all came back to me and i wrote it down. So well this is it... i'm thinking of continuing the story but it all really depends on the response of the readers (ie. you)

Please comment and tell me how it is. It's been a long time. Don't forget to VOTE or COMMENT or LIKE these will get you to read chapter five. *evil smirk*

Enjoy the chapter!!!

Luv~ Bennet869

PS. If you have read this story before i advice reading it again to remember the plot :)

~ Chapter Four ~

 Apparently being Cinderella is not how they tell it in the fairytales

“OWW!” I shrieked in agony.

Angela just continued the task at hand with an eerie focus reminding me, to my great discomfort, of a doctor who continues to stitch you up with detachment even when you’re yelling on top of your lungs.

Except Angela was doing something much, much worse.

“Stop! Stop! Oww” I wailed again.

“Stop being such a baby” Angelina admonished, “When was the last time you waxed?”

I wisely kept quiet.

Ever since I had agreed to let Angela help me getting dressed, I had been plucked, waxed, exfoliated and polished to the extent that I could begin to comprehend why women like Carla, who did this at a daily basis, could be so nasty.

“How do you know so much?” I ask Angelina through clenched teeth as she continues her torture routine.

Angelina sighs. “Before my mother got married she ran an extremely famous beauty parlor. She’s taught me all her trade secrets, honestly I think your step sister invited me here in the hopes she’d get her makeup done professionally…”

A slow devious smile dawned upon my face. “She’s probably wondering where you are.”

“Probably.” Angelina replied back with a wicked smile of her own. “And the last place she would dream of looking in…”

“Is my room.” I finished. “Ouch.”

“There, there little baby I’ve finished” Angelina crooned. “The booboos will go away.”

I just rolled my eyes but gave her a small smile.


An hour later Angelina returned with a cloth bag.

“Is this it?” Angela murmured reverently as she caressed the dark blue silk.

I nodded my head silently.

“It took me forever to find this dress in your mother’s trunks even though you’d described it in such detail… “ Angela whispered more to herself than me. Suddenly she looked up at me in indecision. “You’re sure about wearing blue, I mean this dress is… gorgeous, but she-who-must-not-be-named has stressed innumerable times that it is a white or black dress code only…”

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