Cheaters; First Time Discovery

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Its not like me to not see a so-called 'Cheater' coming. But Stephen can't POSSIBLY be cheating on me, can he? I've never thought of him being a 'Cheater', but....but.... this time Jaqueline seem's sure.

Join Emily Robins as she goes through life being cheated on. She thinks she's found the most Perfect Boy in the world, Billionare Robbie Jenkins' Son, Stephen; but could she be right? Jaqueline (her Immortal Human,) suggest's therapy, looking on Stephen's phone, even Snooping about him! But when Emily realises Stephen isn't as she imagined, when he's caught kissing another girl, Emily re-finds her long lost love, Rowan. Could she be attracted to Rowan again-or will she find another Man?

Cheaters; First Time DiscoveryWhere stories live. Discover now