Vampires, Werewolves & Hunters; Under One Roof! [BXB/GXG]

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[1] I'm going to do something different this time around - I'm setting each chapter as if they're an episode on a television programme.

[2] The Prospective shall be in 3rd person but there shall be male-on-male pairings and some other things.

[3] A book named The Radleys by Matt Haig inspired me to write this so I dedicate this to him if he ever reads it.

[4] I'm a firm believer in this genre; I just haven't had the guts to upload any onto this site before.

[5] Please don't mistake this with Twilight as, unfortunately, I can't stand that book. No disrespect to Ms Meyer though since she had the story published.


[1] Male-on-male relationships

[2] Female-on-female relationships

[3] Male-on-female relationships

[4] Gore

[5] Violence

[6] Blood(-sucking)

[7] If any of the above discomfort you, then please leave the story as you found it.

Summary: Kitsch Academy was founded by Principle Abigail Brain Kitsch over a century ago. The Vampire had the vision that one day Hunters, Vampires and Werewolves would end their petty little wars and become friends. He soon found out that it may take a lot longer for the old enemies to get on.

"I am Principle Kitsch; you may call me Abi, handsome. I welcome you to my lovely school; Kitsch Academy!" - yes, Principle Kitsch is gay ^^

!] First Episode [!

|} A New Kid Means Fresh Meat to Slaughter {|

What scared Bailey the most was when he first lost his temper. He had frightened his little sister half to death and that had hurt him, knowing that he could do such a thing. This was the reason that his father had contacted his new school in the first place. He was told that he was to learn how to control his anger and his Wolfish self. Whatever that meant since Bailey was confused by what was happening.

His father had put him into the car and drove him into the Peek District. Bailey looked over his shoulder when Mr Johnson had driven him out of Manchester, his home town. Wherever they were going, Bailey knew that wouldn't match his home town. He was going to miss Ashton and all of his friends. Ashton was all he ever known and grew up in. But now it was being snatched away from him.

"So, what's this school like?" Bailey asked his father, getting tired of looking at the trees in the surroundings. He loathed nature thanks to his father insisting on taking the family on long walks during the weekend. Mr Johnson also thought it was a good idea to take them camping during the holidays. Some holidays even consisted them spending it on his granddad's barge. He loved the barge, he just hated the countryside.

"I could discuss but I think Principle Kitsch would explain the school better. Anyway, take a look at the school yourself." Mr Johnson pointed towards the clearing making Bailey look up. He near enough gagged when he saw how big the gates to the school. They were massive iron gates that stood at least twenty miles high. Bailey had never seen gates that huge, not even at his old school. His father pulled up just outside of them and pressed a button.

"This Kitsch Academy, may I ask who is at the front gates?" A feminine voice drowned out from a speaker that was attached to the side of the gates. Bailey swore it moved like it did on the cartoons or he could have been imagining it since he was still in awe by the gates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2013 ⏰

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Vampires, Werewolves & Hunters; Under One Roof! [BXB/GXG]Where stories live. Discover now