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Hellooo Earthlings!

I have to say, I did not expect this reaction!

SO! As promised, I will post on Wattpad everything I have written from the second book in The Guardian Children series, Ricochet. Let's start off with the prologue and chapter 1. Starting next week, I'll stick to the old Monday/Friday updating schedule.


Love, Yara


It would be near impossible for me to pinpoint exactly when I began to feel like I was losing my mind. It could have been the moment when I realized that I had been kidnapped. Or maybe it was when my abilities started to fail me, and magic was suddenly affecting me for the first time.

But if I’m going to be honest, it goes way back to a few months ago, when I was first thrust into this world. The moment my best friend Leo revealed his gift to me was just the first step. And if the existence of such a thing called magic is not enough to overwhelm one’s mind, the events of the following week had me stumbling into crazy land. I discovered a community of gifted living in hiding, a secret organization called the Guard defending it and keeping it hidden, and a group of gifted rebels working to take control of their society.

That wasn’t even the best part; on top of being born on the same day, Leo and I also turned out to have some kind of psychic bond. Nobody was able to explain it so far, and I don’t think anyone would be able to anytime soon. However, it seemed like there were other people who knew about it, namely the rebels. Last October, they had attacked Headquarters and come after Leo and I. That wasn’t their first attempt on Leo’s life, although it was a first for me. I had a feeling that this had something to do with the reason why my parents abandoned me when I was born.

So now, two months later, the Guard was constantly on high alert and had even amped up its security, renewing the wards so that the rebels who escaped wouldn’t be able to return to it so easily. Leo and I were attending physical training sessions with them, but we were still going to normal school with our friends Nettie and Carter.

Things had calmed down considerably, and it got to a point where I could go out with my friends without too many bodyguards tailing us and making sure we were okay. About time, too; it was getting too suffocating.

But it didn’t keep the nightmares away, and it sure as hell didn’t mean the danger was behind us; until we knew for sure how to stop the rebels, there would always be danger.

Ricochet (TGC book 2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now