Another Day

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Chapter 9

Two Months Later

"Be careful." Eleanor warns looking towards Stella and Scarlet. They were in Calista backyard practicing on their abilities. It has been two months of school and practicing and the girls were learning quickly. 

Scarlet smirks, "Shut-up mom."

Eleanor rolls her eyes. Everyone was still the same. However, Eleanor wasn't wearing her feelings on her shoulders anymore. She was a different person. Everything had changed when a certain someone hurt her feelings. Eleanor cocks her hip to the side and flicks her finger forward which makes the Spanish girl float in the air.

"Hey." Scarlet begins to freak as she is randomly lift into the air. "Not fair witch."

Eleanor laughs and then slowly places her back down onto the ground. "Don't call me mom. I'm just responsible."

"Whatever." Scarlet mutters and then concentrates back on her task. She stares at the cup before her and begins to concentrate very hard. "Come on!" She screams in anger and then knocks the cup over. 

Eleanor sighs and then says, "Your physical powers will not come in for a while. Plus, I don't think you can make things explode with your mind."

Scarlet shrugs, "It was worth a try." She then sits down in her seat and says. "Ok, Stella I'm ready."

The white haired girl smirks devilishly and then begins to concentrate and just like that she was in Scarlet head. 

You should probably open a book and maybe you will be as advanced as I am.

Scarlet frowns and then screams, "Shut the hell up nerd. You and Eleanor I swear." Scarlet then stands and grumbles childishly. "At least I'm not the only one." She stares towards Calista and Luna who were on the other side of the yard. Calista was staring at a pen and making it levitate slowly. She had beads of sweat rolling down her face. She didn't understand how two months ago she was able to throw Scarlet across the football field easily but she couldn't make this stupid pen lift higher than a few inches.

"You got it C." Scarlet cheers.

Calista loses concentrate and then the pens falls and rolls off the table. "Fuck." She hisses and then frowns looking up at Scarlet.

"Sorry." Scarlet grins and then throws her arm over Calista shoulder. "You will get it next time."

Calista rolls her eyes and playfully pushes Scarlet away from.

It was odd that over the course of the two months Calista and Scarlet got closer. They still had their daily arguments but everyone knew deep down they cared for each other more than they let on. 

Luna sits in indian style away from everyone. One foot was dangling in the lake and she hisses when she cuts her palm again. She then stares at her palm and concentrates on trying to heal herself. She pouts when it doesn't work. She had been working on this for almost a month now and it wasn't working. Eleanor had told her that there abilities wasn't going come over night but Luna felt that this was important.


Luna wipes the blood on her jeans and then rushes towards everyone else. It was dinner time. She runs over to everyone else and then asks, "What are we eating?" She was hungry. 

"Cheeseburgers?" Scarlet hums. "Let's go to EatABurger."

Everyone shrugs. Calista phones begins to beep and she steps off answering it. Eleanor rolls her eyes because she knew who it was. After the incident in the kitchen she and Calista still wasn't on great terms. There relationship had shifted. Eleanor didn't even care that Stella was now flirting with Calista boldly. Eleanor had accepted the fact that Calista never liked her and never will.

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