Chapter 27- The Missing Piece

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I felt a burning sensation on my wrists as my mind tried to pull itself out of the groggy haze of sleep. I hissed under my breath and tried bringing them around in front of me to see what was wrong, but I couldn't. 

My hands were restrained behind me and the harder I pulled the more they burned. My eyes shot open and I frantically looked around. What was going on? What had happened? Where was Nolan?

"Kat!" I heard his voice call to me, It came from behind. I struggled to turn myself around and found him leaning against a tree, his hands behind his back as well. 

"You're awake!" He said with a sigh of relief. 

"What's going on?" I asked, my heart pounding out of my chest. 

"It was rogues, you were drugged. I knew we were close to them, but I hadn't realized how close, I would have stopped sooner."

Rogues? The rogues had found us out here. We had been drugged and tied up. 

"What do they want?" I asked. "What did they think we wanted?"

"I don't know, but they know who you are."

As more panic raced through me I tried to free myself, only to feel the binds burning my skin more. I heard the sizzle and bit back a scream as the pain coursed up my wrists into my arms. 

I tried to shift, hoping it would provide enough strength to break whatever it was holding me there. 

I felt my bones sliding under the surface, so slow it was painful. I could feel every tendon pulling, everything slipping out of place to take on a new form. And then it just stopped. 

Everything slid back into place; the shift hadn't taken. I groaned and swayed feeling dizzy and like I needed to lie back down. 

I heard someone approaching through the trees and some laughter. I couldn't turn to see who was there, each time I turned my head it started to pound. 

"You're not going to be able to shift darling," one of them said as they came closer. 

"What did you do to me?" I growled. 

"We didn't do anything to you exactly, it's what we put on you." A woman said. 

"Your binds are coated with a very powerful mix of Wolfsbane and Kurlan. Separate, well, you already know what Wolfsbane can do. Kurlan however is relatively harmless. But dilute the Wolfsbane and add some powder from the Kurlan plant, and you get the perfect binding combination. They work together to keep a werewolf from shifting." Someone else finished. 

They stepped around in front of me and I looked up into their eyes. The man and woman loomed over me. 

"It won't do much damage, beside those burns, anyway. Well, I suppose that's not entirely true. If left on too long it could potentially damage your wolf," the woman said with a dark smile. 

I froze immediately. They were hurting my wolf. "Why are you doing this?" I whispered. 

"You're needed for something Kat," Nolan said standing up and walking by the other two. 

I stared at Nolan in disbelief. What in the world was going on? This had to be a dream, a nightmare, this couldn't really be happening. 

 "You see, you're like the missing piece in all of this," he said. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Me? Oh, I'm with them."

"But you said you weren't, I was there. Rafe said you weren't lying."

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