Chapter 5: Yeah you have a girlfriend buddy

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Not edited. Not proof read.


Nicholas’s P.O.V

“AH! I know where I’ve seen her now!” Lucy, Kent and Gage look at me funnily. It only us here since everyone left after they ate. It was awkward after Mill-Jays teacher left the house. I grab my duffle bag and look through it. I find the folder.

“Found it.” I open it with everyone crowding over to see the papers.

“I was doing some work for dad and I came across this.” I point to pictures of different women “Women getting sold against their will to the highest bidder.”

Lucy gasps “What do they do with them?” She asks horror clearly in her voice.

“Most of them die, while other's become slaves. But I looked into this and found out that there is this one woman who gets sold nearly every year. She's very popular because she has a fierceness that can’t be broken and everyone wants’ to break it so they can boast about breaking the Beauty’s with spirit,” I pull out a photo “And it’s is her! Jay’s new teacher Miss M.”

CHAPTER 5; Yeah you have a girlfriend buddy.

Millie’s P.O.V

I sigh but get up. I Cheek my phone and see that Jen sent me a text saying that she’ll be outside at 7:40. I look at the time. SHIT! Its 7:20!! I have 20 minutes left!

20 minutes later;

Stumbling out of the building I see Jen in her car waiting. She sees me and looks at my outfit and nods her head, saying it was good. I was wearing black skinny jeans again with a loose top. I had brown boots on with a brown biker jacket my hair was in a high ponytail. Face covered in foundation. My bruises are starting to fade so hopefully it will be gone fully by this Friday I think as I hop into the car.

“You look good. Are you nervous? You’re going to be teaching today!” Jen squeals making me laugh.

“Kind of, I just need to make up some things for the juniors to do and then the seniors are just learning about Romeo and Juliet.” I shrug.

“Yeah, Romeo and Juliet are easy but have you read a book about it?” She asks since she knew about me not being able to get out of a room let alone a house.

“Yeah I have, since Kell always brought me books when his dad had me. If his dad hadn’t died then I wouldn’t have had it as bad. His dad was one of the nicest men I’ve ever met. He taught me many things and he tried to look for someone in my past…“ I trail off a small smile on my face. Jen takes one hand in mine and squeezes.

“Come on. You need to prep yourself for your first class.” Jen smiles

I nod.

Form Class;

“There are Soccer trials and Cheerleading trials today after school…and the debating club meet at Mrs. Penelope’s class today at lunch that’s all.” I read out to the class room. I look up and smile “Free time I guess, do you guys have me today?” I ask the class.

“Yup, we have you fourth.” Duffy answers first.

“Thanks Duffy.” I smile great full.

I sit down and look down at my list of which classes I have today.


Block 1: 11GF (Gene Flank)

Block 2: 10DF (Dean Fitzgerald)

Boarding School For Delinquents Sequel (Being Heavily Edited)Where stories live. Discover now