The Vampire Titan

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That's all I've been doing the past three years. I don't remember what it's like to have a home, or even a family.  

Of course, once you have a family like mine, you kind of don't want to remember.  

And it doesn't help when your entire family are vampires.  

Yep. Pale white skin, super speed, super strength, amazing eyesight and hearing...blood thirst. So, one of your typical vampires.  

Well... define 'typical'. 

Because you see, there are three types of vamps in the world.  



And fairy Tale.  

At least that's what I call them.  

Ancients are like your typical Count Dracula, where he sleeps in a coffin all day and stuff like that. Fairy Tale is like those guys from 'Twilight'. And then there's my kind. You probably know them better as 'The Vampire Diaries'. 

See? We vampires are smart. Making up books that match our lifestyles so no one suspects us. Humans aren't the only creatures with brains.  

So, I bet you're wondering about werewolves. An before you ask, yes, they are real.  

But no, a werewolf bite isn't deadly, and we definetly are not enemies. Heck, we're like best friends. You see, we have to add some lies to the stories. Like garlic? Um, hello? That stuff is like heaven on bread. Seriously, the last thing you want to do is wave garlic in our faces. That just makes us more hungry-and mad.  

But not all if us are bad. Some of us like humans. Some of us just want a normal life, with no worries about the sun or wooden stakes.  

But there are also bad. Pure evil. And the worst of them have a gang. Or, as they like to call it, 'fang'. All they do is walk around at night murdering innocent people. Half of the time they don't even drink the blood! I hate them. 

Obviously, I'm the first kind. I hate to kill people. But you see, once I start to feed... I can't stop.  

So, I've kind of turned into a 'super hero'. If there's ever a crime, I'm usually there to save the victim, and get rid of the bad guy before he can do anyone else harm.  

Sometimes even that's a weakness.  

Sometimes you get caught.  

Sometimes it's bad... but once in a True Blue Moon, it's okay. 

And in that Blue Moon, you get the chance of a lifetime.  

And that's why, on that cold October evening, I regret nothing. I don't regret saving that girl. I don't regret not killing the low life thug. I don't regret hiding in the sewers all day waiting for nightfall. I don't regret the ball, or the secrets I've told.  

And I most certaintly do not regret going to Jump City. Even if I almost died-repeatedly. 

I don't regret falling in love.  

But no matter what, the thing I don't regret the most is everything that I did during that time.  

Because it was worth it.

Oh yea. Totally worth it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or any characters related to. But if I did, Teen Titans Go would not be the way it is now. Just saying.

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