Chapter 19 - Tranformations

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Roy stood in front of the easily over ten foot android-like creature towering over him and narrowed his eyes when it spoke to him in Thomas's voice. "You're going to bite the hand that feeds are you...? Raven."

"Shut up." Roy said vanishing in a flash of light before reappearing right behind Vega, and with sword in hand he drove the blade into his back right where the heart should've been. There was a high pitched whining as his vibration blade tore through the metal armor that Vega was wearing making the massive man scream out in pain. Roy twisted his hands so sharply that the blade of his sword actually broke off as he vanished again in a flash of light before Vega took another swing. When he reappeared he was standing beside a wild eyed and bloody Carny who was shockingly still fighting to get to his feet while Vega was trying to reach the blade that Roy had broken off in his back.

"Stay down." Roy said putting his boot to Carny's back and forcing the demon back to the ground. "You're in no shape to be fighting anymore. I'll handle this."

"You!?" Carny screeched snapping his head to look up at Roy. Tears of blood still trickled out of his eyes dying his once orange colored eyes a horrible shade of red. "What can you do? If Carny couldn't do anything against him then what hope does the little bird have?"

Pressing his lips to a hard line Roy kept Carny down before he spoke. "This little bird just did more damage to him in one move than you did during your whole fight." Stopping to look back at Vega who was still reaching over his shoulder as if to grasp the broken blade that was buried in his back, Roy couldn't help but feel a certain sense of excitement going into this fight. He gripped the broken blade in his hand before shedding his human form but didn't allow his wings to break free from his shoulder blades because they'd only get in the way. "Look, after the first time we all fought that android I familiarized myself with its design. The part that I just stabbed is the part that allows him to move around like I do. As long as that blade is still inside his back he can't warp around like I do, but even still I don't think I can beat him

"I'll do as much damage as I can Carny and see if I can at least isolate the part of him that makes all those nano-bots. But if I fall I need you to finish the job. As hard as it is for me to say this, you're a better fighter than I am but I know that I'll at least be able to hold him off long enough for you to catch your breath and heal up. Do you understand?" Roy looked down at the crazed demon knowing that he might not have even got what he'd just told him but even so he needed to go into this with a plan.

There was a large part of him that wanted to do what Carny had done and just charge in and try trading blows with Vega but the human part of him knew that would mean certain death. He glanced back down at Carny and for a split second he thought he saw at least a small measure of sanity in those glowing orange eyes that were staring back up at him and suddenly he felt as if he weren't even looking at the same demon. It was then that he remembered that Carny suffered from split personality syndrome and he wondered if his other personality had come through while he was talking.

"Go," Carny said in a much calmer tone as he grabbed at his ribs and rolled on his side telling him that this defiantly wasn't the same Carny that he knew. "I'll keep Carny here for as long as I can; you just go do whatever it is you have to do. Hurry! I'm not as strong as he is physically or mentally and he's already fighting me. GO!"

Nodding his head Roy turned back to Vega who'd adopted a new strategy for removing the blade and was running his back along the building's walls. Letting a small growl escape his throat Roy vanished in a flash of light and was moving through the air so fast that he wasn't even able to take a breath and everything appeared to remain perfectly still while he moved through the air. When he was finally close enough to Vega's legs he took the broken sword in his hand and stabbed into both of Vega's legs before turning back around several feet away from him. As soon as Roy stopped moving everything in the world started moving and making sound again, Vega let out a scream before falling to his knees holding the places in his legs that Roy had stabbed before turned to look at him.

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