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Chapter 1

My uncle trys to kill me

I was running. All my life I've been running. Even before I could walk I could run. I know it may seem impossible but it's true. Amaltheia's running beside me. Oh, by the way, Amaltheia is a goat. So I suppose you'd say galloped? I'm not really sure. My education wasn't the best. You see, to save me from my dad, my mom had to hide me in a cave. From there, Amaltheia nursed me. Then, when I was ready, I left and my life's been cursed by monsters ever since. Apparently, since I'm a god, the monsters can 'smell' me. Ever since I found that out, I've longed for the magical boundaries of my cave. I don't really know how it works but, I've tried rubbing myself with smelly oitment, carrying scented candles and, even, rolling around in manure. None of it worked. Oh ,I forgot to say, I'm Zeus, son of Cronus and Rhea. My mom's the best but my dad isn't so great. He ate all my brothers and sisters and tried to eat me but, luckily, my mom saved me. So at least I've got a good reason to be a mommy's boy. Anyway where were we? Oh yea, running. Amaltheia and I took so many twists and turns we lost track. I don't think it really matters. I either die here or I keep heading forward. That's all to do with my rule. Never EVER go back . The monsters will find you easier. As we ran, the trees got closer together, making it seem like it was late at night as the leaves blocked the light. As I ran into an opening I knew I was doomed. The trees were too close together for even me (the kid who hasn't eaten in three weeks) to sqeeze through. I tried anyway. But as I tried to think of a plan, I heard a bone chilling noise. As still as a statue, I turned. At the edge of the clearing, a horrible monster had crushed the trees to enter the clearing. Yep I was right. It was a Cyclops roar. He stood there, at least twelve feet tall, watching me with his big red eye. I ran towards the exit but just as I got there a shadowy figure appeared over me. It said,"Where are you going little nephew?" Immediatly I froze. I  looked up at him and whispered, with absolute hatred,"Coeus". He mearly roared with laughter and said,"So you recognise your uncle? Excellent!" "Of course I recognise you. You've sent the worst monsters of Tartarus after me (at the edge of the clearing, the Cyclops grunted) while you sat in the  side-lines. Why wouldn't I recognise you?" He fixed me a look of pure hatred, which I really loved, and said,"Merely strategy my boy. I had to let the monsters wear you out before I came into finish the job. But don't worry.You will now have the great honour of facing me Coeus great Titan of wisdom and farsight in BATTLE!" And with that he charged. Fortunately, I was ready. I dodged and, as he charged past and shot him in the side with a bolt of lightning. That's my power. Pretty cool right? Anyway, he stumbled back but it seems he's only angry. I yell,"Stay back Amaltheia. I'll be OK." I probably wont but I don't want my goat to get hurt. Oh well. He charged again, this time slower, so he could turn quickly if he needed to. So this time, I let out a burst of air (I can control the air too) and jumped up, landing on his head. His brain then got ten thousand volts directly. Awesome. He collapsed and, just as I was about to finish him off, he used his big Titan powers to throw me away. I hate it when they do that. He then got up and walked towards me at his leasure as he knew he had paralysed me. I wanted to yell at Amaltheia for help but I couldn't and even if she doesn't like them, that goat listens to all my orders unless told otherwise. Coeus stood over me and said," Nice try. But I am a TITAN! I cannot be defeated. Now goodbye nephew. I wont miss you." He raised his spear over his head, the bronze tip glintening, getting ready to send my essense to Tartarus. But just before he could turn me into a godly kebab, a raspy voice (scarier than any cyclops roar) said "STOP!" He turned around yelling,"WHO DARES DIS..." But then his face paled and he whispered,"You. Y...y...you. You shouldn't be here. You can't interfere. It's against ancient laws." The voice replyed with,"We are aloud to be here as this boys fate has been sealed and he will not be destroyed at your hand. You will leave now." He looked at me and whispered," This isn't the end. We'll meet again." And with that he disappeared. I got up saying "Thanks" as I did. But then I saw my saviours and I was more petrified than ever. I was looking at three old ladies and, unfortunately, I knew who they were. The three fates. They smiled at me and said,"Come here child. We have much to discuss."

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