My Master, My Mate 19

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"What's his name?" I asked. "My wolf says he's Sam." She answered. My mouth formed an 'o' and tickled her.

"Yana has a mate, Yana has a mate." I teased. The whole class stared at us.

Yana nudged my side and I rubbed my side and mouth a 'that hurt'. She narrowed her eyes at me and mouth a 'you're embarrassing me!'. My mouth formed an 'o' and I gave her a peace sign.

The bell rang and we headed to Calculus. Someone grabbed Yana's arm and yanked her to face a guy.

Davis McCartney.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. Come back to me." He said and Yana was shivering at the sight of him.

Yana looked at me and back to Davis. I pulled Davis' hand away from Yana's arm and I stood infront of him.

"This is none of your business, Couvreux." He hissed. "I'm sorry, but this girl-" I said gesturing at Yana. "Is my bestfriend. And her business is my business." I said. "We're mates, get out of the way." He said darkly. "But you rejected her." I shot back.

He tsked and stormed out.

"Thank you. " Yana squeaked. "You should stand up for yourself sometimes." I sighed.

We headed to Calculus and to my surprise. Kaleb and Sam was waiting outside the room. I walked to Kaleb and gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks while Yana kept on blushing around Sam.

"When did you get in this class?" I asked. "I transfered." He said with a wide grin.

"And why did you transfer?" I asked. "I couldn't stand not being around you." He said placing his arms around my waist.

"Same here." I giggled. "How bout the other classes?" I asked. His grin was wiped of his face and was replaced by a frown. "No, the principal wouldn't allow me." He said shaking his head. I laughed.

Even though he's Alpha, he still has respect for other people.

We entered the room with Sam and Yana following from behind.

We sat beside each other and Sam and Yana did the same.

I noticed Kaleb staring at me. "Staring is weird." I said. "But you're beauiful." He whined. "And you're cute." I said pinching his cheeks. "I'm not cute." He pouted. "Then what are you?" I chuckled. "I'm manly." He said flexing his muscles. I laughed and was interruped by Mrs. Bourne who slammed her hand on her desk.

"Would you mind sharing on what you were doing Ms. Couvreux and Mr. Bradley?" Mrs. Bourne asked.

Kaleb stood up. "I'm sorry ma'am, I was having a memorable time with my beautiful girlfriend." He said and a chorus of 'aww's came.

I blushed and Kaleb kissed me on the cheeks. Mrs. Bourne sighed and continued her lecture.

Class went by and Yana was adjusting with Sam.

The bell for lunch came and I noticed that Yana was gone. Maybe she's with Sam.

We headed to the cafeteria and we walked towards their table.

-Yana's POV-

He likes me! Great timing cause I changed my look.

Everytime we touch, I feel tingles all over my body. Everytime he smiles, butterflies are flying in my stomach. He's just perfect.

He told me that we should go to the cafeteria but I declined his offer. I just wanna read books in the library. It looked like he didn't want to push me into doing what he wants so he just nodded.

I headed to the library and someone grabbed my arm.

It dragged me to the janitor's closet and I screamed.

"Shush!" He shushed while covering my mouth with his hand. I scrunched my nose and tried to get out of his hold. I failed.

"I wanna talk." he said sighing uncovering my mouth. "Then talk." I said crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry doesn't take us anywhere, Davis." I said glaring at him. "I made a mistake, it's just I didn't want to leave my current life away." He said. "Then don't leave it, just leave me." I said poking him in the chest.

I attempted to go out but he yanked me back and put his hand on either side of the wall.

"You are mine." He growled. "Fortunately, I'm not your object. Just go with the other girls. And you think you just like me cuz I changed my looks. " I said shoving him away.

I walked towards the door and opened it. I looked back.

"By the way, I accept your rejection. " I smirked and walked away.

Oh god, that took a lot of courage to say. At least it's over.

I walked further and Sam came into view. He hugged me and tingles spread throughout my body.

He pulled away and scrunched his nose. "Why is another guy's scent all over you? " he asked. "I bumped into a guy." I lied.

He nodded and he held my hand. He flashed a cheeky grin and I knew he was planning something.


So Sam and Yana??

And I'm sorry for not updating that fast cuzz, I have a fever.




- G

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