Baghdad 1990

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Baghdad July 1990 © Brownlie 2012

 It was a cold day in Hell...

He awoke screaming.

The pain in his testicles so extreme and acute that he knew, just knew he was going to throw up. 

Somewhere through the pain though, he instinctively knew that if he threw up he would drown on his own vomit. The piece of whatever it was, was stuffed so far in his throat that his mind could not evaluate whether the pain or the gag reflex was controlling him. All of this he just “knew' no thought necessary just blind instinct and panic.

Thought would have been impossible anyway, His testicles were held in a vice and the pain so excruciating – he had no idea what in the name of his God  could be causing so much agony.

He passed out.

Blessed relief and return to the memory of abusing the 14 year old girl and  her 12 year old brother – blessed Allah relief from the pain.

The water woke him cascading down his head and torso. The pain was gone and he looked into the face from hell. Black like the darkest coal with eyes streaked with fire as they glared unblinking into his.

The Arabic was old world – perfect in respect and diction – a reminder of a passed age.

"انت واحد المختار. ستتخذون الانتقام على الكويت وستتخذون الكفار على ما تعرضه من الصفر الانتقام. يمكنك اتخاذ اجراء بشأن هذه التعليمات من لي قبل منتصف خلال الايام العشره المقبلة ".

(“You are the chosen one. You WILL take vengeance on Kuwait and you WILL take the infidels up on their offer of zero retaliation. You WILL take action on this instruction from me before the middle of the next ten days”).

The pain in his testicles returned along with he scream in his head, instantly shutting out reason understanding and all thought other than survival.

It never even entered his head that his guards surely must hear the screams and come to his immediate rescue. It never entered his uncconscious mind either until the pain ceased once again and he realised that he was incapable of making any noise with the piece of meat (for that surely was what it was) stuffed so completely down his throat.

Arabic again so pure it reminded him of his great grandfather's speech said to him:

"انني سوف اترك لكم الان مع انتفاخ الخاص بك ، ودمرت ثمرة للتفكير. وسوف تلتئم مع الوقت ، ولكن الاطفال جانبكم سوف يكون على الاقل في مأمن من الانحرافات الخاص بك لمدة شهر او اثنين."

(“I will leave you now with your swollen and destroyed fruit to ponder. They will heal with time, but the children by your side will be at least safe from your perversions for a month or two”).

 "اكرر ، لديك حتى عطلة نهاية الاسبوع للأسوأ التي تتبعونها في الكويت.  اخر ، وسأعود في تلك المناسبه ينبغي ان يكون لك ما يكفي من الغباء في التمسك بلدي الغضب سيكون من الكرات الخاصة بك محشو اسفل الحنجره الخاص بك بدلا من قطعة من الخنزير الاول باليد هنا لانتهاك الخاصة بك الامعاء المرموقه. ستموتون في هذه المناسبه ، يجب عليك ان تقرر ان يكون لي زيارة معكم مرة اخرى. علامة هذه الكلمات ، لأنها في مستقبلك اذا كنت لا تصغي هذه الرسالة "

(“I repeat, you have until the weekend to do your worst in Kuwait. Else, I will return and on that occasion should you be foolish enough to invoke my wrath it will be your balls stuffed down your throat rather than the piece of pig I hand carried here to violate your prestigious intestines. You will die on this occasion should you decide to have me visit with you again. Mark these words, for they are in your future if you heed not this message”)

The pain came again so strong this time that no attempt to scream was made. He was gone again into whatever happy state unconsciousness took him. Bill Douglas released his hold on the flesh of Iraqi president and went the way he had come. Silent and invisible to the sleeping idiots the President used as his protectors.

History now records events:

From the BBC WORLD NEWS – August 2nd 1990

More than 100,000 Iraqi soldiers backed up by 700 tanks invaded the Gulf state of Kuwait in the early hours of this morning.

Iraqi forces have established a provisional government and their leader Saddam Hussein has threatened to turn Kuwait City into a graveyard if any other country dares to challenge the “take – over by force”.

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