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“You okay?” I asked, flipping the lighter top open and closed.

          Bella stayed silent. I sighed. She’s had rough past couple of days. Especially with the encounters with The Marker. I heard the door unlock and open. The Marker came down. He noticed the barley touched food.

          “Which one of you hasn’t been eating lately?”

          Bella looked at me worriedly.

          “Skylar?” The Marker went and picked up the tray.

          I didn’t bother moving. I just stared at him from my spot on the ground. He suddenly grabbed me and pushed me towards the ladder. Bella got up and started screaming at the top of her lungs as The Marker was closing the door. I felt a blindfold being put on around my face.

          “Tell me. Why do they call you The Marker?”

          “None of your business,” The Marker held my arms behind my back and pushed me to wherever he was taking me.

          I stumbled and he grabbed me by my hair and yanked me up. I whimpered in pain. We walked straight for a while until the sound of a creaky door opening. Stairs were below me. It felt like we were going down.

          After a while, the sound of a lock clicking and a door opening startled me. I was tossed to the ground and the door shut and locked behind us. The Marker walked over to me and quickly removed the blind fold. It was dark. The only light I saw was the small light above the door. “I hope you’ll enjoy your stay.” The Marker smirked wickedly and left.

I awoke to the sound of the door to my room opening. I must’ve fallen asleep in one of the corners because I could see every inch of the room. Someone came over and kicked my foot. “Wake up darlin. We’ve got somethin special for you.”

          He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I was still tired. I haven’t slept in days. They wheeled in something into the room. I couldn’t tell what it was. I was pushed to sit on the ground. The Marker set up metal wraps on my wrists and ankles. They were going to start electrocuting me. I began to push away when they turned on the machine. I let out a loud scream, feeling a million bolts flying through me.

          I landed on my back. The electricity stopped. I began panting and sweating. The Marker picked me up. He set me on my feet and looked at me. My body began shaking violently. “I’m sorry, Sky.” He turned a knob on the machine and instantly I feel to my knees.

          The electricity ran through me for a minute or two. The man next to me removed the things on my wrists and ankles. The Marker began wheeling the machine out of the room. Everyone else left. I watched as the man jogged out of the room and slam the door shut.

No one came into my room until the night. I lay in the back of the room, the cement floor hurting my side. The man earlier came in and gave me a mattress and left. Suddenly, I was starving. I still haven’t eaten in over a week. “Tomorrow!” Someone screamed. “That’s the day we move them. The police are going to be on our asses by then.”

          A million thoughts were running through my mind. The thought of Randy popped in my head. A small tear began to fall down my face. I took my jacket off and used it as a blanket. I just want Foster to find me. My body was still aching and shaking from earlier. The light on the other end of the room was flickering lightly.

I watched it as I fell asleep.

The door opened as someone came in with a blindfold and wrapped it around my eyes. They did it to me again this morning. I could still feel the electricity running through my body. New ropes were being tied around my hands. The feel was hurting my already injured wrists.

One Lost DreamerWhere stories live. Discover now