Chapter one

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Nico's POV

As I turn away from Percy and Annabeth I can't help but feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm walking towards Will, but then decide against it and make a sharp turn towards Cabin 13. I think that I just need a little bit of alone time right now...

As I'm heading over I hear someone jogging up to me and I don't need to turn to know that it's Will. Mainly because he is practically radiating heat and sunshiny-ness. I stop and turn around to see his smiling face.

"Hey Nico, what was all that about with Percy?" He asks me.

Uh oh.... What do I tell him? If I tell him the truth can I trust him not to tell anyone else? Because if everyone else knows, well I just don't exactly need another reason to be shunned and un accepted by the others. But then what do I do, what do I tell him? Would he really tell everyone else or would he keep a secret? He seems pretty trustworthy, and I don't think that I could just flat out lie to those sparkling blue eyes. Besides everyone will figure it out eventually...

"I just needed to talk to him." I reply curtly, most of me hoping that he won't push it, but there's this other small part of me that hopes that he does. If he does then maybe there's a chance that he would come out and tell me that he... That he might be... Ugh I'm so stupid! I internally slap myself for being so hopeful. Hope only brings pain.

"What about, if you don't mind me asking?" He says not exactly catching the hint that I don't want to be pushed.

"Well because I used to have a crush on percy for a short period of time at one point and thought that he had the right know and I just wanted to tell him." I rambled under my breath slightly inaudibly.

"Sorry but I didn't exactly catch that death boy." He replied with a signature smirk.

I was pretty flustered and not to mention angry at his pushy ness at this point so I didn't even bother to correct him when he called me death boy.

"I used to have a crush on Percy and wanted to tell him about it." I said staring at the ground but in a clear audible voice. I was so mad now and I didn't even know why. It didn't make any sense. Now could this boy make me so happy, but then also so angry, and so confused all at once? It wasn't fair! He had no right!

And suddenly, flustered was added to the long list of emotions that I was feeling at the moment as I looked up to see the expression on his face. He was seventy percent stone faced, but you could tell that the other thirty percent of him was just holding back a smile. Was he laughing at me? He probably was, I mean not only am I now the weird, dark, spooky, friendless, loser death boy. Now I was the weird, dark, spooky, friendless, loser, gay death boy.

I turned my face to the ground suddenly feeling nothing but shame. Why couldn't I have bee born normal? I wonder. Now he will probably want nothing to do with me...

"Hey." He said immediately after my face tilts back towards the ground, as if he can hear my thoughts. He puts his to fingers on the bottom of my shin and tilts it upwards so that he can look at me straight in the yes.

"You think that it's funny." I state, the words popping out of my mouth before I can stop them. My dark eyes not leaving his for a moment.

"No Nico." He immediately says afterwards, any trace of a smile leaving his face. His hand leaves the bottom of my shin and I immediately feel the warmth go away. "I just think that your making a big deal out of nothing. I mean almost everyone has had a crush in Percy at some point, heck even I used to have a crush on him! But it's not like I'm going to tell him that." He says grinning at me, his head adorably tilted slightly to one side.

Wait, he just said that he had a crush on Percy! Does that mean that he's like me? It has to! He just admitted that he had a crush on a guy and so then if he had a crush on a guy then that must mean he's homosexual! Or at least bisexual. But then again just because he has had a crush on a guy doesn't mean that he will like me. I might not be his type, or maybe I'm just too strange for him... But can I be so sure? I mean am I sure that he's gay? Maybe it was just a one time thing....

"Wait, so are you uh..." I stammer not being able to finish my sentence.

"Gay?" He finishes for me. He arches his eyebrow and stares at me, as if judging if I'm worthy of knowing the answer to that question.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." He replies, staring intently at me.

I don't know what to say or how or reply or how to think... I'm mainly still just registering this new found information... Suddenly I see black spots in my vision and feel my legs weaver and turn to jelly. They cripple beneath me and I almost collapse onto the ground, only to be caught by a pair of strong arms moments before hitting the ground.

"Woah there!" Says Will. " You need some rest. Doctors orders." He scoops me up off the ground before I have a moment to protest. Thankfully no one was around to see this. I could feel my face heating up completely.

"Let me go I can walk." I try my best to sound confident but the sentence comes out more like a croak. And then out if nowhere a thought pops into my head. Here I am me Nico diAngelo, a gay guy, being carried by another super attractive gay guy that I have a crush on. What no! I don't have a crush on him. I can't simply move onto someone else that quickly after Percy. Can I? But if I don't have a crush on him, then why do I always feel so weird when I'm around him?

"Ha! No I think that I will just carry you, that would be best." Will says interrupting my thoughts. And I just decide that it there is no use to pretest so I just lived in the moment. His steps against the ground were perfectly timed. His chest was so warm against the right side of my face. He had one arm under my two knees and the other right above my shoulder blades. I could hear his heart rate. It was going quite fast. But then again, so was mine. He smelled amazing, like heaven. It was a smell that you just couldn't describe, but only appreciate. I could feel a smile tugging at my lips and when I looked up at Will's face, I could see the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted upwards as well. His blue eyes sparkled as he turned his head to look down at me. His face was slightly pink.

"You all right?" He asks, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah I'm just tired I guess." I say quietly.

"I'm just going to take you to your cabin." He said smiling.

"Thanks." I said as I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion hit me like coach hedge's baseball bat. I think that I'll just close my eyes maybe... Just for a moment to.....

Hello fellow Wattpad users! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book!!! I do appreciate it :) I hope that you enjoyed it and I apologize if you didn't... But the good news is, (for those of you that didn't enjoy it) is that there is plenty of other fan fiction out there!

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