A Freak Once Again Chapter 13

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Rogue could not believe that Logan had taken up on her offer to ride motorcycles. He had always been protective of her and therefore she was sure he would object to the idea of her speeding down the road next to him. However, although he still looked a little unsure with her sitting upon the large bike, he seemed eager to have some fun.

                “You know how to ride right?” He asked.

                “Yeah, Harpy taught me a few years ago,” she shrugged.

                “You know,” he smiled, “You look beautiful right now,” his eyes grazed over her body which was decked out in tight leather. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulders, the few white wisps framed her face perfectly. She looked dangerous covered in black, but also tempting to him. He reached out his hand and gently brushed his favorite strands of hair away from her face. She shivered lightly, wishing that she could press her face into his palm.

                “Thanks,” she breathed.

                “Come on, let’s go,” he hopped onto his own bike, looking badass as ever.

                The couple rode down the long winding road through the forest. The wind playfully made Rogue’s hair dance behind her. She dared to go fast, even pulling slightly ahead of Logan who watched with both shock and partial fear. He knew she could handle herself, but part of him was still protective and wanted nothing more than to make sure she was safe at all times.

                Rogue, however, could think of nothing else but the exhilaration she was feeling. She had ridden before, but it had always been in the city where cops patrolled and the traffic was mean. Here she could go fast, she could enjoy herself, and she was with Logan. It was easy for her to understand why Logan had always favored motorcycles, they were so free.

                Unfortunately, Rogue’s inexperience towards the open road also was her downfall. In the city there was never a worry about animals. Out there, on the other hand, was mostly forest. Undoubtedly there were animals wandering through the trees. Every so often they would make an appearance on the road, and it just so happened to be one of those moments.

                All she saw was a flash of brown fur, and then everything went black.

                Logan watched with utter horror and helplessness as a deer bolted from the cover of the trees into the road right in front of Rogue. With no time to react, she hit it and went flying. Thankfully, she was wearing a helmet and leather, saving her from dying and being skinned alive, but she hit the ground with enough force to knock her out in merely a second. Logan practically jumped off his bike running up to her unmoving body.

                “Rogue!” He screamed, indescribable terror turning his veins cold. He was careful not to touch her in fear he would cause further damage. He brought his ear down to her mouth and to his relief, her hot breath met his cheek.

                He yanked out his cellphone and called Storm, informing her of what happened.

                While waiting he inspected her further. Black and purple bruises were already blooming on her pale skin and blood matted her hair from under the helmet.

                “Please be okay, please be okay,” he whispered. An idea ran through his head, one he knew would anger her, but he couldn’t think of anything else. He reached out a bare hand and pressed it to her cheek. It would hurt, it always did, but he didn’t care. He would save her. Except… Why wasn’t his life being sucked from him? Why wasn’t she taking what she needed?

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