Chapter Two: Telekenesis

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"Ouch!" Alexia said.

"Wait up guys," Bon't spoke through the earpiece.

"Why? What happened?" The guys said while running. 'HELP!'

'That voice...,' Alexia thought.

"Stop! Alexia where are you going?!" Chandler ran after Alexia.

She stopped, "Sheen! She's calling for help. Can't you hear?" Alexia said.

'She's here, and someone's with her'. She thought again.

"Get ready for some action guys." Chandler said.


"Please, let me go," Sheenn begged. Jerry chuckled.

"Please, let go of me, blah blah blah," he said, imitating her voice. "Duh, all along, I've always wanted to destroy E.S.A," he said through gritted teeth.

"Why? Why are you doing this to us?" Sheenn asked. She tried to fly but the surface was too heavy; she watched herself move towards the machine.

"Why?" he repeated. "You, all of you, specially that Miss L of yours, ruined my plans. Your agency stopped the World War III, I was one of those who started it, but that Yvonne ruined it. And I know, L commanded her to do it. Now, I will ruin E.S.A, I'll make sure I won't fail again," he said. Sheenn gasped.


"Where's Sheenn?" Lloyd pulled his foe's collar. He looked into his eyes.

"I-i won't tell you," he stuttered.

"Do you really want me, to kill you?" He said, but the man was not frightened, instead, he grinned.

"You can't kill me. We know who you're working for, and we know how you do your job," he huffed. Lloyd clenched his jaw.

"Then you're lucky, I'm not here to break rules," then Lloyd twisted the man's neck, its body fell to the ground.

"Lloyd!" Shouted Yvonne.

"Relax, I did not kill him, he's just asleep," he said.

"Guys! In here!" Alexia said then pointed at the wall. She heard Sheenn's voice again.

"I'll do it," Chandler stepped forward. He stood still, then his eyes was filled with light. Laser escaped his eyes, he formed a rectangle door for them. The wall melted then they saw Jerry and Sheenn.

"Attack!" Jerry yelled, then his army attacked the agents.

"I'll get Sheenn," said Binge, then she gave her foe a punch.

"No, I'll save her," Lloyd insisted. He then ran to where Sheenn was tied up.

"Hiiyyaa!!" Bella punched the blonde man with her frozen hand, the man flew to the other side of the room.

"You need help, Bella?" Kris asked.

"No," Bella said, coldly. The man with the arrow shot Bella, but before the arrow touches her, Kris catched it with his back by hugging Bella.

Bella's eyes flew wide open, "Kris?" She asked.

"I'm fine," he weakly replied. Then removed the arrow on his back. "I'm fine," he said again. "Let's go," he smiled. Kris fight again while Bella was left standing, staring at Kris' bleeding back. It took a minute for her to absorb what just happened, she ran to Kris to help him.

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