Chapter 28, part 2

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Chapter 28, part 2


    It has been almost four hours and sitting here doing nothing is really very boring especially when all I can do is think of seeing Xyon again…

Josh and Xavier had both taken their posts with me although the cellar was fully equipped to deflect the strongest of attacks as it had a door made of the three layered doors, the first layer was made of the most powerful iron usually used in banks volts, the second layer was of stainless steel, and the third layer was of bulletproof glass. So all in all this was the best place to hide if an attack of any sort took place.

The cellar was equipped with many facilities but I had had no interest in any of them although Xavier and Josh have been religiously been playing some games on Xbox but all I could do was sit in a corner and sulk!

I didn’t want to be here all I wanted was to be with XYON!

(Before four hours)

“Okay so what? Even if he was going into heat don’t you think I should be near him to alleviate his pain” I asked stupidly not knowing what my innocent words meant to the dirty werewolf minds in front of me.

“Oh trust me you can elevate all his pain, but the question is that can you take all the pain that he’ll inflict on you” Xavier asked me smugly while Josh pushed his shoulder trying to get him to shut up.

“He’ll never hurt me, he is my mate. Seriously he didn’t hurt me when he was a beast why would he hurt me when he has his human self back?” I asked ignorantly to which both of them groaned and started to look for games to play.

“He won’t hurt you intentionally but he might easily r*pe you” Josh stated somberly.

“He would never do that” I declared sure of each word.

“Are you sure? Have you ever seen a werewolf no an Alpha, and the head of council go into Heat?” Have you?” Xavier asked challengingly I just shook my head in negation.

Xavier scoffed “Well we have seen it (when my eyes opened wide he added hurriedly) not Xyon, but other werewolves, and let me tell you it’s not a pleasant sight, especially for the she-wolf involved” Xavier said while giving me an ipad to kill my time with which I took reluctantly as I had no mood to do anything other than mope around and wait for Xyon’s heat to get over.

(Present time)

I was too tired right now and I slowly started to dose off when suddenly I felt the restlessness of my wolf. Something was wrong she was not herself she was apprehensive of something, she was almost fearful?

I tried to see what was wrong but she cut me off not wanting to concern me, too bad for I was already concerned!

I stood from the couch I was sitting on and went to a sleeping Xavier I nudged him softly on his shoulder.

“Xavier, Xavier” I said softly he jerked his head and opened his eyes grudgingly.

“what?” He asked yawing and rubbing his eyes with his left hand.

“Nothing it’s just that can you please just check if everything is okay upstairs? You know with Xyon and everything. I am kind of worried, no one told us if he was back or anything about how he is feeling” I pleaded with my cutest puppy eyes I could muster at that moment.

He groaned loudly and turned over “I know I am going to regret this, ugh!!! Fine” he said while trying to mindlink Ross, but nothing, I could see he was starting to get anxious.

“Josh, hey man wake up” Xavier pushed Josh to wake him up. Instantly Josh was wide awake and in attack mode.

“Hey chill down, I just need to check something up and wanted you to be on guard in case anything happens” he told Josh who looked at him confusingly but then they mindlinked each other clarifying what was happening leaving me outside the conversation.

Great! Just what I need.

“Look Xenia, I’ll be out and in a second I’ll be back all I want to do is know what the hell is going upstairs for I can’t seem to mindlink them, maybe it’s the design of the room or maybe it’s something else I am not sure but we won’t take any chances, Okay?” He wanted me to confirm that I understood what he was asking of me. I nodded “sure I understand” I said while looking at the both of them trying to decode their expressions but I couldn’t they were wearing the perfect poker faces.

“Man you be careful in here you know we are not suppose to open this door till morning but I have a bad feeling, so the moment I am out you lock it again and don’t open it for anyone okay?” Xavier confirmed again with Josh who nodded and was just pushing the buttons to open the locks to allow Xavier to leave.

“Don’t worry, I am sure all is well and there is nothing to worry about but still I am going to go and make sure of that okay?” Xavier asked me gently.

I really had a bad feeling but all I did was mutely nod in his direction.

The door opened, the next one followed it and lastly the third door unbolted and strangely made me feel vulnerable for some reason.

Xavier was out and the doors were starting to close off againg when we heard a loud bang!

Josh immediately ushered me to go at the back of the room behind the safe.

I did as I was told.

I heard a lot of commotion, lots of noises not knowing what was happening but all I knew was to keep down and not reveal myself, for some reason right now I truly felt the danger of my situation.

After some time there was silence and I deemed it safe just to look or have a peek outside my spot only to make sure everything was okay.

After inhaling a large amount of air I gathered my strength and slowly started to crawl outside my spot.

First thing that caught my attention was that there was no sign of Josh or Xavier?

The second thing that caught my attention was that both the iron and steel doors were ripped out from the hinges!

And the third thing was the blood that was smeared on the glass door, the only door that was still standing between me and whoever was outside.

I could hardly stifle the scream that was begging to leave my lips, but when I saw Xyon move into my peripheral view, I screamed,

And God did I scream, I was surprised my scream didn’t shatter the glass door separating me and Xyon apart!


Oh oh what's going to happen next??? Poor Xenia, or poor Xavier, or poor Josh. Who died? Who is still alive? Who's blood is that???

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