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Do you ever just sit there for no reason and dwell on the past? You could be daydreaming,  or even driving somewhere and the past comes up to haunt you. Does that ever happen to you? Have your heard of that  saying, your past is exactly what it is called, your past. You should forget and move on. But what if you can't?  What if your past was so.....what's the  word I'm  looking for?  Horrific?  Unnatural?  No those don't even  come close. As I was saying , what if it's not possible? 

Would you be able to deal with yourself if your past haunted you? I don't mean in your dreams either,  what if every waking second of everyday it's haunting you. No matter what you do to try  and stop it. Then would that famous sentence apply you? I for one do not feel that it applies to me.

Why? You ask.  Because my past isn't just my  past. It's my past, my present and my future. No matter what I do, I cannot run from it. I am unable to hide from it.  Unable to hide from the demons that haunt me on a daily basis.

The doctors all told me a few years back those little white pills will help me. That I will not be the same. They all lied. Nothing changed. Everything was same. Which is why I am sitting here,  staring at all the bright yet dark  red splatters on the walls. The copper colored red  covering my hands, my clothes, Possibly my entire body.  Not dwelling on the past . My past is here, and it's here to haunt me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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