Chapter 45, Katie

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Well...I DID have an authors note planned out but.....where...where did it go...?

Annabeth: Clearly, it left with our sanity. 

Leo: oooohhh! Hold the phone, we need some ice for that burn!

Percy: What?! The note stole my sanity?! Sanity, come back! D:

Annabeth: .......My point proven. 

Me: I should probably go look for our sanity. Where could it have gone...?

Leo: Oh! I know! Rainbow pony land. :)

Me: Mmm, my bet is it ran away to the batcave....

Annabeth: Check the library. That's usually were I loose mine.

Piper: I loose my sanity at the mall -_-

Conner: Same. 

Me: ...alrighty then. To the library! Then to the mall! 

Travis: We're off to see the wizard! The-

Percy: *starts singing* THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ!!

Annabeth: *facepalm*




        To say the canoers looked like they had snapped would be the biggest understatment of the eon. Between the red faces and crinkled eyebrows, there was absolutely no doubt that these kids were completely done. And unfortunately, it was us that they were done with.  

"We've been tolerant of your tom foolery all day!" One of them shouted, his eye twitching.

The canoer group cheered in agreement, slowly striding towards us with oars raised like an angry mob from the midevile ages.

"I've been knocked out of my boat, eight times! Because of you!" Another girl hollered.

"Hehe, now guys..." Percy said putting his hands up defensively, backing away accordingly with the rest of our group. "Let's talk this out here, no need for violent behavior with those...paddles? What are those things even called?"

"They're oars, you tasteless buffoon!" The seeming leader of the group snapped, I recognized him as one of the minor gods' kids, Kevin.

I had never been more afraid by a guy named 'Kevin' in my life.

"Okay, 'oars', whatever they're called," Percy went on, "the point is..."

There was a pause, silence making the tension in the air thicker then the base of a Sequoia tree. The canoers narrowed their eyes, and I glanced at Percy, who was staring blankly at the raised oars. I was also suddenly aware that Travis had somehow gotten over to me and his hand was hovering at my upper back near my shoulder. I did what I could not to blush or shy away, and more impotently focus on the impending threat in front of me instead of how tall and surprisingly nice smelling Travis was when he was so close to me.

"Yes...?" Kevin's irritated voice helped jar me back to reality. "The point is...?"

Annabeth cleared her throat and elbowed Percy.

"The point is..." Percy repeated, his voice trailing off again. "...For the love of gods please don't kill us with your paddles!"

"My hero..." Annabeth muttered, right before the canoers exclaimed, somehow even more angry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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