Chapter 31

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I know I know, 'Finally'. So yah here it goes.

Chapter 31

Sammie’s POV

“Hahahaha, you are truly crazy Max and may I add weird, why would you give a cat to Dean?” I couldn’t stop laughing my ass off. Max was just telling us that she had found a stray cat and she picked it up and tried to give it to her mate Dean. Obviously that didn’t end well for a werewolf doesn’t really like cats.

“I thought it was cute and that I can handle it but it went purring and meowing and got me irritated so I thought I’ll let Dean handle it.” Max explained while pouting, as if what she said was a good justification to her action.

“Well at least you didn’t throw it away and it’s good that you gave it to the human’s local animal shelter.” Lana was shaking her head in amusement beside me.

We were here at the hill Lana suggested to hang out, the place was actually quite nice and peaceful. And being out here with my friends was helping me relax a little.

“This is such a nice place,” Max commented as she was stretching her legs in the grass.

“Ark brought me here a few days ago and I instantly fall in love with the place, and of course I have to bring you two here.” Lana is sure happy with her mate, and I’m very happy for her.

“Oh ghad, his here.” Lana all of sudden stand up beside me and look directly to the woods. “Ark?” She called out.

My heart abruptly beat a little too fast, I feel edgy.

“Does Dean know where we are?” I whispered asked Max.

“Yes?” She answered me questioningly.

“Call him,” she ark her eyebrows at me, “just dial his number, now.”

While Max discreetly dialed her mate’s phone, Lana then went running into Ark’s arms.

“Just hold your phone.” I instructed Max while Lana is now dragging Ark towards us.

“Max, I like you to meet Ark. Ark this is Max.” Ark threw a smile towards Max before looking directly at me.

“Samantha Hale we meet again.”

Fear suddenly clutched my chest. I felt eyes looking at me, not just of Ark, but gazes somewhere within the woods.

“What are you doing here?” Lana sweetly asked her mate, her hands tightening around his arms, but Ark eyes were on me.

“I would like you to come with me, and your friends.”

“Where?” Lana asked as I take a step back clasping Max hand, she was shaking she could also feel the threat surrounding us. While Lana was so oblivious for her attention was solely focus on her mate.

“I just want to show you something.”

“Why are werewolves surrounding us?” I suddenly found the will to speak up.

“You’re good.” Ark grins maniacally.

“What werewolves?” Lana turned her head towards the surrounding trees her eyes roaming around the area searching. “Ark, what is this?”

“I wanted this to be somewhat peaceful, but well it couldn’t be help.”

In a blink of an eye Ark went behind me, clutching my arms pulling me away making me winced in slight pain. Max reaction was in an instant, she shifted her clothes now shredded beside her paws but her attack was stopped by two wolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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