My Private Celebrity [Chapter 19]

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Okay, since you guys are being generous with the comments and votes, I'm gonna TRY and extend this story a few chapters. Not making any promises though.

THANK YOU for reading guys! I love yah lots!
Anyway, here's chap 19! Enjoy!




I ran out of Duke's apartment still crying. I bumped on to Clyde on the elevator.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing" I said.

"Callie plea-" Clyde started to say something but I immediately went out as soon as the elevator opened on my floor. I quickly opened the door hoping that Clyde wouldn't follow me. As much as I love him I don't want to see him right now. I want to be alone for a moment. I have to sort myself out. I went to my room and buried my face beneath my pillows.

My mind was so full and my heart was so confused. I didn't want to break up with Duke, but at the same time, I did. I didn't want to hurt him, but I couldn't endure my pain any longer. I love Clyde way too much. And I didn't want to lie to Duke anymore either.

I stayed in my room for hours, thinking about Duke and Clyde. Then I realized, I need some time to find myself. To find the 'me' that I've lost when I was with Duke, the 'me' that I've lost because of my career, the 'me' I have lost the day I started to wear designer clothes, the 'me' that I've lost when we transferred to New York, I want to find the real me.

I called Angie.

Me: "Hey Angie"

Angie: "Callie! What's up?"

Me: "Uhm, I was wondering if you could cancel all my work for the next few months?"

Angie: "WHAT!? WHY!?"

Me: "Uhm, I need a vacation"

Angie: "Well if you want a vacation you can have one but we have to plan it. You can't just cancel like that!"

Me: "Sorry Angie, but I need the vacation now. Personal issues"

I heard her sigh. She knows about Duke's cancer. And every time I cancel because of 'Personal Issues', she knows it's because of Duke. But this time it's different.

Angie: "Fine. But 4 weeks is the most I can give you. We still have to prepare you for your concert tour"

Me: "Thanks Angie"

I hung up and began packing. I only packed the necessary. I didn't even wait for Callie to get home. I just left her a note saying:


I'm going away for a few weeks. Duke and I broke up and I need some time alone.

I left my phone so don't bother calling me. And can you also tell mom and dad about this? I don't want them to worry.

Love, Callie

I read over what I wrote and I grimaced. It looks like I'm running away from home. I don't want them to worry. So I added.

PS. I'm not running away. I just need to sort my feelings out. I'll be back next month. Take care! Love you!

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