New changes

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The next morning I wake up and smile. I get up and curl my midnight black hair. I then put my contacts on. I put on a black t-shirt with a leather jacket and put on some shorts with knee high sneakers.

I look at myself in the mirror and think wow I look hot. Payback's coming Jacob I think.

I go downstairs to see my mom sitting at the table with her mouth open."Wow honey you look" "Hot?" I say. She nods smiling. After I'm all done with breakfast I say goodbye to my mom then head outside to my new car that I bought. It's a red ferrari.

When I enter school everyone is whispering things like "Is that a new girl or what?". I just smile and go to my locker where I see Mary waving at me. Before she can come and hug me Amber one of the most popular girls in school says "Hey katelyn wanna hang out with us today?" she says smiling. I just nod my head and follow her to our class. When I enter class all the boys are staring at me and whistling at me. I just wink at them. They just grin and give me their numbers.

When I'm about to go to lunch I get pulled into an empty classroom.I put my hands in fist positions and say " Where are you ,I'm not afraid to fight!" I say. Then I hear someone chuckle behind me. I quickly turn around and see him. Jacob. "What do you want!" I snap at him. " About yesterday I didn't mean to."

That's as far as he goes before I say " stop right there, I know that you only want me right now because I'm hot, well I don't want you, I know that you think that I'm a pathetic worthless piece of crap so cut the act!" I growl and leave him speak less.

I quickly go to lunch and sit right next to amber. Ugh I say in my mind because his scent fills my nose. I just look around and see hurt flash his face,but he covers it up. Then amber comes up to him and kisses him.

What the heck I think. Then a sharp pain is in my chest.I already know why I get theses pains. You only get them when your mate is with someone else

I suddenly fall on the floor. The pain was just to much.

Jacob looks at me alarmed. He was about to come pick me up when a guy with blonde hair and bright green eyes suddenly picks me up.

"Thanks" I whisper.

"No problem" he says

"The names katelyn" i say putting my hand out so he can shake it.

"Nice to meet you katlyn my name is max.

I just smile and give him a little peck on the cheek. He grins and goes back to his table.

Later when I'm by my locker I see max walking towards me. I just act causally and wait for him to come here.

"Hey katelyn I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party today?" he says scratching the back of his neck. " Of corse I would max." I say happily. He just nods and before I can do anything he kisses me.

I then feel sparks. What the heck ,I think, don't you only get sparks when they are your mate.

My mouth is wide open. " Yes katelyn your my mate I have always wanted you, even when you didn't look like this." he just smiles. " Wait your my mate?" he just nods.

"But I already have a mate and he rejected me already.

He then whispers in my ear "I'm your second chance mate" then he walks away leaving me all speak less.

When school is over I go I my house and think this all over. I just smile because he really wants me. I look at the time 6:00pm shoot better get ready for the party.

I shoot out of bed and curl my hair and put make-up on. I then dress into a sliver silky strapless dress with black high heels. My forest green eyes stand out the most. I just love them.

I look at the clock and it's 6:50pm I get out of my room and tell my mom goodbye and drive to the party.

When I get there it's like practically full of people everywhere. Literally everywhere!

When I walk in I hear people whistling I just smile and I find amber.

"Hey katelyn come dance with me!" she says while shuffling to the party rock song.

"Ok in a sec ok!" I tell her and head outside for some fresh air. I then sense that someone is right next to me . I turn my head and see max looking at the moon. "Hey I don't mean to interrupt but what are you thinking about?" I ask puzzled.

He sighs and tells me everything that happened to him. How his first mate died by a rouge and basically how everyone of his family died by rouges.

When he's done I just say " I'm so sorry"

"it's ok you didn't do anything to me" he says grabbing my hand and holding it. I just smile and put my head on his shoulder and let it rest there for a while until I hear a growl.

I turn around to see a pissed off looking Jacob. I just groan and kiss max on the cheek and leave the party.

When I park my car into my driveway I decide to go for a run to let my wolf out. While I'm running in the woods I keep hearing sticks crack behind me I just shake it off and keep running.

All of a suddenly I see a brown wolf on top of me. I try to fight it off but I suck at fighting. Then I hear another wolf enter the fight.

All I hear is a whimper and a loud crack.

When I open my eyes I see a white wolf with ocean blue eyes nuzzle my muzzle and then darkness over comes me.

Im a nerd and he's my mate.Where stories live. Discover now