Forsaken Kiss

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"Why do I even bother trying with you anymore? Everyone else is always wrong and out to get you right? Just stop. Stop this victim act!"

"Who the hell do you think you are Nicole!"

"I am your girlfriend Lucas! I don't expect to be treated less than that. Stop twisting what I am saying and start listening to the words that I say. Its like everything I say goes right over your head and you only hear the parts that you some how think is a negative attack on you!"

"You know what, I'm done with all your bull-crap and justifications. You're acting like a child!!"

"I'm acting like a child? Have you seen yourself?  you're in so much denial about yourself that you accept a false reality because you're to scared to admit when you're wrong or that you have problems with everything and everyone. If anyone is the child here Its you Lucas, just grow up and stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes!"

"I'm not going to satnd here and listen to this!"

"Walk away then, its what you're good at."

"Goodbye Nicole"

"Fuck you"


"Nic, hey nic! wooo slow down!" said Maci 

I stopped dead in my tracks allowing my best friend Maci to catch up to me

"Nic what was all that? It looked like you were about to punch Lucas!" She said while trying to catch her breath 

"You don't even get how hard it was not to! he's so egotistic! well its whatever, he is no longer my problem. Now is when I move on and show him that I do not need him to make me happy!"

"awe sweetie, It's okay! In a few weeks Lucas will regret everything and thats when you have the pleasure of smiling when deyning his pled to come back!" 

"Maci lets just get through today before you go on about a few weeks from now!" I said with a giggle, "I'll be fine. You'll see!"

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