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Having awoken to a healed body and Rowan curled up in front of me but not touching me, and Zane gone. I'd grabbed the clothes off the side and put them on. I wasn't sure whose they were, but I didn't care. I needed to walk.

All night, Rowan's mind had been focused on his sister, Sierra who was being held by the Tri-moons at their headquaters. The place where they'd been taking me and Rowan. A three hour drive away.

I threw another little stone from the gravel away from me as I sat facing the coaches that still hadn't left. At first sight of them still being there, I wondered what had been said to the Claw-Cutters, because it didn't look as though a fight had broke out. The only way I would have been able to find out would be through Zane, but I had no idea where he was. Or, I did, all I had to do was follow my bond to him.

Thinking back to Rowan, I wondered why the Tri-moons held him on a leash. Surely he must have or done something for them to put him on a leash. But I couldn't see what. All I could see from Rowan when I went to that side of his mind was a grand locked and bolted door. What was he hiding?

His concern for his sister was genuine, as was his apology to me. But that didn't explain anything. What was he hiding, damn it!

I blinked as I heard a crack. Looking at my right hand showed me that my hand was no longer, and that it was more paw than hand. My nails were a cat sharp claws, and currently, they were digging into the concrete ground.

Sighing, I removed my hand from the ground and placed it on my lap. After a few moments, it returned to my human hand.

Looking up at the sky, I wondered what Rowan was hiding. I wondered why the Tri-moons kept him on a leash, using his only sister as threat. I wondered where Zane and the others were. Looking around, I felt the stares, yet I saw no-one.

Picking up a chunk of the concrete I'd clawed up, I threw it into the air before catching it, repeating it again and again. Had it been a bad idea to come charging into the school in my cat form? Should I have shifted back and asked Rowan for his shirt? But when could I have done that? The Claw-Cutter's had been on my tail the entire time and I didn't, still didn't, know how long a shift took. What it was like returning to human form.

Throwing the rock away, I noticed that my hearing was better in my human form. I heard him before he crouched next to me, using his wings to balance him.

"Hey, doc," I said to let him know I heard him approach. "How's things here?" I knew I sounded casual, but it was that or start shouting, which I refused to do. So casual it was.

"Well, the jaguar has ruffled my feathers for the last time," he replied with a chuckle. "So I fired her."

I rolled my eyes. "I told you to do that weeks ago."

He laughed. "So you did. I'm starting interviews now for someone new."

"Sounds like fun." Not.

"It will be about as fun as your blade is being."

I blinked and turned to him. "Huh?"

"Your blade is glaring and using magic on everyone who comes close to him right now. I think it's because of Rowan, but I can't be sure. Which reminds me, I need to talk to Rowan at some point."

"What about?"

"With the bond you share with him, I think you already know."

I frowned at him, realising that I wasn't going to get an actual answer. But, was he talking about the secret Rowan was keeping from me? But I let it drop, changing the subject. "Why would Zane attack anyone near him because of Rowan?"

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