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 Once upon a time, there was girl a pokemon loving girl named Pia Grace. Pia Grace's parents were pokemon trainers. One day while Pia was at school her mother and father got kidnapped by the PokemonCollectors. The PokemonColletors were the worlds most wanted incoorpreation. Do you know why? This is why.

 PokemonColletors take rich people and threaten them to keep them forever till the captured all of the coolest pokemon in the whole world. The staff for PokemonCollectors is all ruled by the most wonderful (NOT) Dr. ZacheryReeds he is the WORST Scientist EVER to be known.

 While they were searching for Pia's parents, Pia thought.....and thought........and thought..AND ALL A SUDDEN IT HIT HER!!! She knew she had to save her parents all by herself. While Pia waited to live on her own to adventure out to save her parents, she lived with her grandma G.(by the way Pia is 11) Pia knew she would have to wait 3 years before she could find and rescue her parents, so she decide to do her research before she could set out to find her parents.

 And so she did...


Hello fellow readers how did you like my prologue tell me in the comments if you loved, liked it, or hated it. Please tell me if u did, and also tell me if I should continue with more chapters and adventure. Also, tell me if you have any suggestions, cause can't read your mind okay? So yay bye!

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