Chapter 32- All Hail

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Chapter Thirty-Two: All Hail.


“Well, who is it?” Caleb asked me. His eyes were desperate, eager to hear my answer.

I walked towards the Oath Keeper and held the newspaper up to my eyes.

The memory of that day in Berlin rushed to my head.

“It’s the ambassador Wilhelm Steiger.” I said, “The one that almost hit me with his car in Berlin.”

The Oath Keeper instantly nodded a yes when I said his name.

“Isn’t he a mortal?” Nathan asked, taking a good glance at his picture in the newspaper.

“The perfect disguise,” Caleb mumbled out in disbelief. “He was right before our eyes all along. How could I have missed it?”

“What a strange twist of events.” Was the only thing I managed to say. The person who had killed Lestat, and destroyed an entire kingdom had once almost hit me with his car.

And we had traveled the entire world in search of someone who had lived an incredibly public life. He was everywhere! On TV, on the radio, newspapers.

“It would have taken a bizarre imagination to have discovered this sooner. It’s no one’s fault.” Nathan reassured Caleb.

“Well, how do we find him?” I asked.

“He’s a wolf living amongst sheep.” Caleb stated. “Finding him will be easy enough.”


Oscar composed himself after a while.

“Will you be all right brother?” Caleb asked.

“I will,” Oscar nodded. His brown silky hair fell behind his ears, and even though he had been crying, his eyes were perfectly smooth. “We always knew this might happen.” He said after a moment.

With the help of the Oath Keeper, whom Nathan had tended to his tongue-wound, it didn’t take long for us to learn where Antonius lived.

“I must go back to Juliai, the others might be wondering where I am.”  Oscar said, “I wish you luck, brother.” Caleb hugged Oscar tightly before he left.

We decided to head towards Germany immediately. There was no more time to waste.

We had been waiting an entire year to find this person, and now this was finally it.

“What’s our strategy?” Nathan asked Caleb.

“We have the element of surprise to our advantage. He won’t know we’re coming.”

I was nervous. I felt the end was coming but I was afraid. The Oracle’s prophesy said we would restore the kingdom, but he didn’t say at what cost. I still didn’t know if Caleb and I were to survive at all.

“What happens after you kill him?” I asked Caleb, as we arrived in Germany.

“By killing him we disintegrate The Alliance. Once he reveals who the traitors are, we can rebuild a better Council. And I will restore balance to my kingdom. Just as I promised my father.”, I could see that he meant every word. Keeping his word to Lestat was the most important thing.

The Immortal Kingdom of Juliai: Guardians of Realms. Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now