Do You Or Do You Not Want Me, Mate. - Chapter Nine

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Do You Or Do You Not Want Me, Mate

Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved.

Chapter Nine

Picture on the side is Nathaniel (Actor Joe Manganiello)

"What's going on, Phil?" Serena asked, following Phil in the direction back to their house. It was the afternoon, when the sun was high up in the sky, and the sun rays were beating down on their skin. Each step as she tried to catch up with him, the sound of crunching leaves they had stepped on was audible on their haste.

               "Is there something wrong?"

              Phil didn't answer Serena back. He was too far deep into his mind thinking who breached his security measures. He thought his technology was impressive, seeing he got it from the best sources he could find. It was made like Fort Knox, and whoever broke through the defenses must be a hard ass.

              A genius hard ass.

              “It's impossible...” he murmured, still not believing it. “It can't be possible. No way...”

             “Phil,” Serena called out to him. He was a bit far ahead from her now. For a human, he could walk fast. “Philly, hold up!”

            Serena gritted her teeth out of irritation. 'Damn it,” she thought with anger, and without warning, she used her wolf speed to catch up with Phil, swooped in front of him, and gripped his arms tight. She felt she was digging into his skin.

             “Phil!” she growled, and boy was it animalistic. “Will you tell me what is going on?!”

            That seemed to snap Phil out from his internal turmoil. “Oh, sorry...” he mumbled, and then he felt that pins and needles kind of pain on his arm. He immediately looked down and saw blood dripping down on his arm. “Ow, Serena! My arm!”

             She let go like it was hot lead. “Sorry,” she apologized and concentrated on the task at hand. As she watched him smear the blood of his arm, she asked again, “What's wrong, Phil?”

             “It's impossible, no one could get passed my security,” he said, speaking in codes which Serena couldn't understand. The security part she could, but the impossible part, not so much.

            Phil could think of several persons who could breach his tight system. One of them was highly plausible, but hoped with all his might it wasn't. But... it could be them, right?

            'Naahh,' he dismissed the idea from his mind. Again, it could be possible, since The Order of Immortalis had high tech equipment and was trying to get a hold of him for years. He was the best of the best and losing him was like losing millions of dollars.

            Oh, well.

            There's only one way to find out.

            Hastening his steps, they reached their home without missing a beat and immediately went to his study for that prime directive done. He went over to his bookshelves and scanned for that specific book which could unlock a secret room. Serena knew what was in that secret room and had her pledge that she would never tell a soul about it.

            However... who would she tell anyway? She was far from home and she was in unknown territory.

            Finding what he was looking for, he tilted the book with the title on its spine, To Kill A Mocking Bird. A resounding click was heard, and the bookshelves parted into two like the Red Sea to reveal the titanium door with a security pad on the side. Phil punched in the codes in haste, and before you know it, there were inside the secret room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2012 ⏰

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