Abandoned Baby Chapter 191

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Abandoned Baby

Chapter 191

Once the couple got to the hotel, they put the kids down to bed and were getting ready for bed themselves. Carla had her own room next door so if she was needed any time by Bless or Drew, she would come in right away and help out with the kids.

"Babe, you said we have to talk. You're quiet love." The Scot noticed how quiet she was as massaging the knots out of his neck and back gliding her smooth fingers onto his broad back.

Bless sighed softly. "I had a talk with Darren, William Regal earlier and he and I were casually talking when he mentioned to me that Cat resembles one of the guys. He has this feeling one of them may be her biological father."

"So you're meaning to tell me that one of the guys resemble our baby girl and the guy that abused and killed Cat's real mum isn't her real father?" Drew asked his wife trying to come up with what she and the veteran superstar talked about.

Bless nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. Drew, what if Cat's real father was Riley's ex and she never told him about the baby after they broke up?"

Drew nodded understanding where his wife was trying to fit all the bits and pieces of the whole story. "What gave Darren the possibility that our daughter looks like one of the guys?" The Scot was quite curious to what gave the wrestler the idea that Cat could be one of the roster guys little girl.

"Her green eyes and curly hair is what he said." The Misses explained what Darren had told her.

"You know I think I can narrow it one of two guys that have black hair are PJ (Justin) and Shtu (Wade). Peej though has dark brown eyes so that eliminates him out of the equation but Shtu does have green eyes alike him with those dark curls which I tend to notice his hair is curly too. Somehow Cat also has his Shtu's outgoing personality which I notice in Cat and Shtu is the same way. Cat also is the quiet and shy type like him."

Bless and Drew began to draw the similarities between Cat and Stu and it all added up that maybe Stu never knew he fathered a little girl and that he was possibly Riley's ex in some way before he had met Vanessa who was his current girlfriend. The brawler and Riley maybe had a prior relationship when they were younger and she got pregnant but things didn't work out for them because he was gone so long when he first started out and yet she never told him.

"Honey, do you think Stu hid himself about Riley's past and never told anybody?" Bless asked Drew softly as she straddled his back and worked out the kinks on his lower back as she was in deep thought about his life.

Drew never gave it a thought about it and now it was all starting to make sense. Maybe there was not enough of his best friend's past he knew about even though they worked and traveled together prior in the past but the Scot never knew about Stu's love life or anything since the Brit usually kept to himself. Could Cat's Uncle Stu really be her dad? Drew thought to himself.

"It could be a possibility babe. Maybe we should talk to Shtu during breakfast in the morning and sort this all out." The Chosen one fugured that it would be a good idea to havea pep talk with their British friend.

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