-Chapter 29-

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. But college homework is starting to take a toll on my writing so keep that in mind.

This story is slowly coming to an end. Maybe four or five chapters left, depending how i feel and what comes to mind.

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Anyway, hope you like this!










“Chug, chug, chug, chug!” people chant around me as Pat is holding the beer bong up in the air and Mitch is pouring some kind of alcohol into it.

            The liquor runs down my throat, some dribbling from the corners of my mouth. Once Mitch runs out of alcohol I step back and throw my fists in the air. The crowd around us starts cheering more. I have a lazy smile on my face as I let the alcohol take its affect. Clouding my mind and senses.

            “You did great man!” Pat says, nudging my arm with his elbow.

            I watch, with a red solo cup in my hand, as one of the guys that were on the baseball team goes next. Pat is now the guy pouring the alcohol as Mitch stands beside me.

            “So what changed?” Mitch asks. “You would’ve never gone this hard at a party before.”

            I shrug, taking a drink. “College is coming up. I wanted to go hard before leaving,”

            Mitch looks at me, most likely detecting my lie. “Nate I know this is about Alison.”

            I groan before finishing my cup. “Everything I do isn’t all about her!” I basically yell at Mitch.

            I walk away from the beer bong scene to refill my cup. I don’t want to think about Alison tonight, that’s the main reason I agreed to come. I wanted the alcohol to rid my mind of her.

            As the night goes on the alcohol keeps flowing. I do fairly well holding my liquor, but everyone has that point of no return. My point happened after another round of beer bong, but with much harder alcohol than before. Before I start I ask Pat what’s he about to pour, but all he does is shrug. I can only do half of what Pat wanted me to drink because my stomach couldn’t take it anymore. I groan as I step away from Pat, staggering on my feet. 

            “Whoa,” Mitch says behind me, steadying me. “Your limit has definitely been reached.”

            I chuckle, wiping my mouth from the remaining alcohol on my lips. “That was reached a while ago,” I slur, turning to Mitch. “I-I’m so sorry for snapping at you man,” I say, wrapping an arm around his neck and leaning into his side. “I miss Alison and all I want is for her to come back into my life.”

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