On Stable Ground - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Life on the farm was always busy. There was something that constantly needed to be done. The Croft farm was no different, that was why it was always early to bed and early to rise. Normally Julie was asleep before her head hit the pillow. It was rough work and either you loved it or you hated it. Normally those that hated it, didn’t last that long. That was why Charlie was going to be hiring a new farm hand this week, the last one walked out a month ago when the work load became too much for him.

When farming runs in your blood like the Croft’s it just came natural. Charlie, Julie and even Nana were use to the long hours of work and finding something to do was never a problem for them. Between the animals, fields and the house work they worked unceasingly and thrived on it.

Julie had been rising before the sun her whole life, even during the school year when chores did not stop for even curricular activities. First things first, out to the barn and feed the horses. This was one of Julie’s favorite places. She loved taking care of the animals. Making sure they were brushed, groomed, watered and fed. Right now they had nine mares and one stallion. Four of the mares took to breeding, and come January they would have several new colts and fillies in the barn. Julie was now allowed to help Doc Fisher with the birthing. Doc said that she was a natural, and he started taking her to other farms to assist.

After the horses were taken care of, Julie would go feed the chickens and collect the eggs. They only had about thirty chickens on the farm. Eventually those that did not produce eggs would find themselves on the family dinner table. It was a natural order of life that Julie had come accustomed to.

Cows were next on her agenda. She would feed them and milk the two cows that the family used for dairy. Nana was known for her homemade cheese and creamy spreads. The cows were kind, gentle creatures that were familiar to Julie’s tender touch and her soft humming and singing when she milked them every morning and afternoon.

Before the sun would rise, she would bring the milk and eggs into the house to Nana and help her make breakfast. Charlie would come in about thirty minutes later from checking on the small number of cattle that grazed in the field and the crops. Every morning he would get up and drive the 50 acres that the family owned to make sure everything was in its place and survived the night. A couple years before, they had problems with wild animals getting on the property and killing animals. He shot a couple of wolves and a fox, and the problem seemed to ease.

After breakfast, the pigs had to be fed slop and leftovers, the horse stalls cleaned and fresh straw in its place, and the horses liked to be washed down to cool off in the afternoon.  Normally when Julie was in school, everything except for the pigs would wait until after school to get done, while Charlie worked the fields.

During the summer months, Julie would also help Nana in the garden and help her dad with the other chores on the farm. When she did have time to herself she would find herself in the barn with the horses.

Today, as she and Nana were making breakfast, Tonya came downstairs yawning. “Is coffee made?”

“In the pot darlin’,” Nana said.

Tonya poured herself a cup and added enough sugar to send just about anyone into sugar shock. She sat down on a stool and looked over at Julie for the first time. “Jules, you are not going to win any beauty contest dressed like that. It looks like you rolled out of bed and rolled in the mud.”

“Well Tonya, that is exactly what I did. So, I guess it is a good thing this is a farm and not a beauty contest.” Julie said with a smile. Nana just chuckled as she took the last pieces of bacon out of the skillet.

“I’m just saying,” Tonya paused taking a sip of her coffee, “You could look a lot better if you gave an effort.”

“Tonya, this is a farm. We work on a farm. The only person I need to impress is myself. While you were in bed for the past two hours, I’ve been working. So, if you want to have a contest, come and hang with me for a few hours and let’s see you keep up.”

Nana looked over at Julie letting her know she just went too far. But the way Nana did it, Julie knew she was not mad. In a ten second look Nana said with her gaze, “This is her first day here, go easy on her. But, she won’t sleep in every morning.” Julie nodded understanding Nana’s eyes and backed off.

Charlie came in the back door. “Well, how are my ladies today?”

“Hungry.” Julie said.

“Well, then let’s take care of that!” Nana said as she put the last bowls of grits and eggs on the table, which was covered with platters and bowls of various breakfast foods. Along with the eggs, bacon and grits, there was also biscuits, sausage gravy, oatmeal and fruit. Nana wanted to make sure there was something on the table for Tonya to eat because today she was going to start helping out and she needed her energy.

As the family started eating, there was a knock on the door and Charlie rose to answer it. Although they could not see the door from the dining room, Nana and Julie knew almost immediately who their visitor was, and Julie went to go and get another plate and cup of coffee for their guest.

“Sheriff Dean, what can I help you with today?” Bobby Dean was the sheriff for the county. He had two deputies that worked for him, and he grew up in town. His father was the sheriff until last year when he retired and Bobby came home from the Marine Corp and took over.

“Well Mr. Croft.” Bobby started.

“I have told you to call me Charlie.”

Bobby was about fifteen years younger than Charlie and did not want to disrespect him. He had been raised to call anyone older than him mister and sir and this was a hard habit to break, even if he was told he could. “Yes sir.” Bobby answered.

“Look, we just sat down to breakfast, why don’t you join us?”

“I really couldn’t, sir.”

“Well, at least have a cup of coffee, and you can talk while I eat.”

“OK.” Bobby said. Even though he refused food Nana started making a plate and as soon as it was placed in front of him, he began eating.

“Well, there is this kid who needs a break. I knew you’re about to hire on some summer help and thought I’d come and talk to you about him.”

“Go on,” Charlie said as he took another bite of eggs.

“Well, to be honest, he has been in and out of trouble for the past few years. He is seventeen and I think all he needs is a positive role model.” Bobby took a bite of his grits and eggs.

“Hmmm.” Charlie thought while sipping on his coffee. “What kind of trouble?”

Bobby took a deep breath, he knew this was coming, but did not expect it so quickly. “Well, he was kicked out of school last year three times for fighting and he’s been arrested twice for stealing. The last time, after the judge sentenced him to the juvenile facility, he told him next time he’d be treated as an adult and suggested he get his life together.”

“So, you want me to hire him on and look after him.” Charlie thought for a moment, “When do you need to know by?”

“The sooner the better. If you turn me down, I’ll need to figure out what to do next.”

“I just want a day to think about it and pray about it.”

“No problem. I think I can give you that.”

“Sheriff?” Julie asked. “Why can’t he go back to his home?”

“Well, that’s his story if he comes here and chooses to tell you. But I guess I could say, there really wasn’t much of a home to go back to. And,” he took another sip of coffee, “nobody wants him.”

After Julie completed her afternoon chores, she decided to take a ride on Jasmine, the mare that had given birth to Jazz two years ago. She was Julie’s favorite. Julie decided that she would ask Tonya if she wanted to go riding. She finally found her in her bedroom listening to her iPod. Tonya did not hear her knock, and she did not see her come in. Tonya was lying on her stomach on the bed and did not have a care in the world. She was startled when Julie came in and tapped her on the leg. “What the...” Tonya started looking annoyed, “What do you want?”

“I’m going for a ride, would you like to go with me?”

“I guess,” she said rolling over, “There’s nothing else to do here.”

“Well, most of us work all day.” Julie said in almost a whisper as she turned around and headed down the hall to the stairs. Tonya did not hear her.

Tonya had changed into a pair of jeans and a red button up shirt tied at the waist. She had left her hair flowing down the middle of her back. Julie was on Jasmine and waiting with Lady’s reigns in her hand for Tonya when she finally came out towards the barn.

“Do you remember how to mount?” Julie asked.

“It’s only been three years Jules.” Tonya said. “Of course I remember.”

Tonya’s visit was not going as well as Julie expected. Her cousin had always been a problem to deal with, but they use to be like sisters. Julie had to make every effort because she was certain Tonya was not going to try. Something had changed in her cousin since moving to the city, and Julie wasn’t sure what it was exactly.

“How do you like your visit so far?” Julie asked as the horses started to trot. Julie and Jasmine knew right where they were heading. The pond on the back part of the property, it was surrounded by a couple of trees and a field of wild flowers. This was Julie’s favorite place to go and think. Charlie often called it her sanctuary.

“Rather boring.” Tonya said. “I mean you guys go to bed at what? Nine-thirty? Ten at the latest?”

“Well, it isn’t New York City, but after working all day, we’re tired.” Julie replied. “We don’t have the luxury of lying around all day doing nothing. Don’t you remember how it works on a farm? Everyone does their fair share.”

“You don’t get it do you?” Tonya began, “In New York, there’s everything I want and need within a phone call, taxi ride or by jumping on the subway. Here, I can’t do anything. I have no life. It’s boring.”

“Tonya, we may not live in the most exciting place in the world, but trust me, we still have a lot to offer. Sometimes there’s a peace here that you will never experience anywhere else.”

Tonya did not reply, and they rode in quiet for a few minutes past the pasture where the cattle was grazing and Julie said, “I’ll race you to the old oak? That’s if you think you’ve still got it.”

Tonya took off without answering Julie. The girls raced past the pine trees and a brook that fed into the pond. They traded off who was in the lead too many times to tell. And then it happened, Tonya looked over at Julie with a huge grin on her face. Julie knew what she had to do, just as they were approaching the old oak tree, Julie pulled up and let Tonya win.

“You still do have it!” Julie said with a laugh.

Tonya was so proud of herself, she just grinned and said, “Told ya’ so.”

The girls dismounted and tied the horses to a low lying branch on the tree. Julie grabbed a container out of her saddlebag. Tonya had not even noticed the bag until now.

“Whatcha’ got Jules?”

“Just a snack. Nana sent some cookies, apples and a couple of diet cokes.”

“That’s Nana, always thinking of us.” Tonya said with a smile.

“Yeah, she’s special,” Julie said as she handed Tonya a soda and sat down under the tree in a soft grassy spot.

The sun was just over the western horizon, painting the sky in an orange sherbet with a hint of lavender. To Julie, this was the perfect time of day.

“So, tell me about New York.” Julie said. “And what’s going on with you, I’ve missed you.”

“Well, I love it. There is always excitement. Parties every weekend. Museums and art galleries are all over the place, and I go to a show whenever I want.”

“What about school?”

“Well, it’s one of the best private schools in the city. I have awesome friends who have rich and famous mommies and daddies. I go backstage with my best friend Jordan. Her dad’s a producer on Broadway.”

“Wow. Sounds really exciting.” Julie said. “What about church?”

“Well, Mom and Dad don’t make me go anymore. They said I was old enough to decide if I want to go or not.”

“Don’t expect that here. Nana will have a fit if you try to stay home.” Julie said. “What about boys?”

“Well,” Tonya took a long breath, “I’ve dated quite a few. Even a couple that are often seen in teen magazines. But right now I am,”  she paused, then decided, “between boyfriends.”

“Have you ever had a steady boyfriend?”

“I dated Taylor for a few months before he went to Hollywood to do a movie.” Tonya leaned back on her elbows and picked up a cookie out of the container.

“WOW!” Julie said.

“What about you. Do you have a boyfriend?” Tonya asked, taking a bite of her cookie. She didn’t even consider that it’s made with butter and milk.

“No. None yet.” Julie took a breath and took a bite of her cookie as well. She chewed thinking. “I mean, Heath has wanted to date me, dropping hints and asking me out and stuff, but I know him too well to fall for his tricks. I could tell he was up to something and kept telling him ‘No’ until he finally stopped.”

“Jules, Heath is so cute. I couldn’t turn him down if he asked me.”

“Beauty isn’t everything!”

Tonya looked at Julie, lowering her eyelids and a sinful grin came to her face as she said, “Maybe not, but let me tell you, it helps!”

“So, is it everything you thought it would be?”

“Boys? Better!” Tonya said with a wink.

“No, silly. I mean New York.” Julie said with a slight blush to her cheeks.

“Honestly, it took a little getting use to. But, now I know where to go and what places to avoid. You know,” Tonya whispered for some unknown reason, they were alone and no one but the horses could hear them. “New York isn’t the safest city in the world.”

“Yeah, I did know that. I guess it’s very different than here.”

“You could say that again.”

Their conversation had been just like old times. Something both Tonya and Julie were happily relieved about. Maybe it wouldn’t be as hard to reconnect after all.  All of a sudden, Julie realized it was getting dark and they needed to get back to the house and put the horses away. Nana liked to eat promptly at seven and tonight they might be late!

Julie rushed to gather the remains from the container and soda cans while Tonya jumped up and mounted Lady. “Race you back?” Taking off through the grassy pasture leaving Julie cleaning their mess. Julie, realizing she was already behind in the race whispered, “I let you win once today, don’t count on twice.” As she took off at a fast pace, she let the reigns droop allowing Jasmine the freedom to easily catch up and pass Lady without stopping until she was safely in the barn. Julie had Jasmine’s saddle off and brushing her before Tonya came trotting in on Lady.

“‘Bout time you got here.” Julie said. She was giving Jasmine a quick brush down. She had already put their feed and water in the stalls and was almost finished

“How’d you do that?” Tonya said in amazement. “I was a good thirty seconds in front of you.”

“Well, there’s something about being the last horse in her stall that Jasmine doesn’t like. So, I guess that just put a fire in her,” Julie said with a grin.

A voice boomed from the back of the barn. “Don’t let her fool you. Julie has been riding Jasmine since she she was a filly. They have been in races all over the state. Who do you think she won all those ribbons and trophies with?” Charlie said as he came to help Tonya remove Lady’s saddle and handed her a brush.

“Well I’d say Jules has been waiting for an opportunity to show off.” Tonya said. “Good thing we didn’t bet. I would’ve lost for sure.”

Charlie just smiled. “Little Bit, why don’t you head in and help your Nana. I’ll finish up here. I need to talk to Julie for a bit.”

“Yes sir.” Tonya said, as she handed him back the brush and went towards the house.

After she left, Julie spoke first, “Everything OK Daddy?” Ever since her dad had told her that her mother died when she was ten, Julie always had a moment of apprehension when Charlie wanted to talk to her alone.

“Of course baby girl, I just need to talk to you about that young man that’s coming with unusual circumstances.”

“Oh, okay.” Julie took the brush from her father’s hand while he was in mid stroke, he just smiled knowing that Julie felt that no one brushed the horses as well as she did. And she was right.

“I don’t know his whole story, we might not ever unless he wants to tell us.” Charlie paused leaned against the stall and watched his daughter’s careful hand brush and relax the horse. No wonder the horses love her. “I do know, like you heard, he has been in and out of trouble. He needs support and people he can trust. But today when I spoke to the Sheriff again, he told me that he is now a ward of the state. His dad is in jail and his mom, well she doesn’t want him any more.”

“Oh!” Julie said as her hand momentarily paused mid stroke on the horse. How could any mother not want their child? “That is sad.”

“Julie, I spoke with Nana and we both want you to make him feel comfortable. He’s only seventeen, and it’d be a shame for him not to take this second chance that’s being offered. I want you to help me show him the ropes. I don’t know if he’s ever been on a farm before. I don’t know what his work ethic is like. But, I know you can help me teach him.”

“I don’t mind helping Dad, you know that.” Julie said with a smile at her father as she continued brushing Lady.

“That I do baby girl. There’s one more thing. Other than fights, we don’t know if he’s violent. Sheriff Dean told me he is pretty sure his fights were instigated by an outside source. But and this is a big but.” Charlie paused and looked directly at Julie’s eyes. “If you ever feel threatened or in danger or even the slightest bit fearful, you need to let me know. You and Nana are my top priorities.”

“Yes sir, I understand.” Julie said. She had not been nervous about the convict coming until now.

“One more thing. I wasn’t going to hire anyone until next week, but Sheriff Dean needs him placed tomorrow. So, he’ll be here by lunchtime.”

Julie put the brush away patted the horse, kissed her nose and turned to her father, “No problem, we always have plenty of work to do around here.”

“You’re right about that!” Charlie said as he put his arm around his daughter and they walked towards the house and supper.

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