Deep in the City

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        Don't let the shadows touch you. If they touch you, you go into a sleep paralysis and soon die of starvation and from seisures. The shadows will kill you, don't let them come accross your body. I lost my parents this way, and my baby sister. I'm all alone now. I have no one to love. I have no one to talk to. 

        There are little to no people in Chicago now. The rest of the country is okay, but the shadows are surrounding the border so no one survives if they try to invade. The shadows slowly get thicker and thicker and will soon cover all of Illinois. The last part the shadow will touch is in the heart of Chicago. For some reason, the shadows are slowed by the city. However it's still very dangerous. It's dangerous to eat, sleep, and even breathe. The air is becoming thin. No matter what, we all will die soon. 

        I just heard a noise. I'm going to investigate as I haven't heard any loud noises in a very long time. Sometimes I have to talk to myself just to make noise and so I won't go insane. 

        I go downstairs in my heavily lit apartment. Someone is knocking on my door. I stand there frozen in confusion. I gain confidence and slightly open my door. At first all I saw is the walls of the hallway, but a girl soon comes into vision. She has dark auburn-red hair and is wearing a floral sweater, acid washed jeans, and black canvas shoes. She looks at me with deep confidence and with a big smile on her face. She is really pretty, I think to myself. 

"Who are you?" I ask blankly. I open my door wider and wider. 

"My name is Anastasia, but you can call me Ana." She explains. Still that doesn't even describe how impossible she should be. No one else is able to go into Chicago. And I've already checked all of the city for people. Did I miss something?"

"My name is Elliot. How are you here? Why are you here? How di-" I get interrupted.

"Don't ask. It's a really long story."

"I have time."

"I bet you do, however the shadows are coming closer every second we just stand here in this dystopian. I'll explain later." 

        Ana grabs me by the hand and we run into the streets. In the middle of the street, there is a beam of a shadow. Ana goes towards it, but I try to get her away. She can't touch it or she'll die. She still fights me and eventually is able to touch the shadow. I try to hide my eyes from watching her die, but she doesn't go into paralysis.

"See, I am immune to the shadows. I don't know how, but I am. I come from California. I'm a medical student. I was studying the shadow at the border. People warned me not to go near it, but I took my chances. I accidentally touched the shadow, but nothing happened. I am trying to show to you that I am here to save you and others in this state."

"Why am I the first person you have 'saved'?"

"Because you are immune too." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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