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Auburn's P.O.V

I walked home slowly, dazed by the autumn scene. The auburn coloured leaves flew swiftly along the clouded sky without a care in the world. I wish I was a leaf, then maybe I wouldn't be in this situation; maybe I would be free. Sighing I decided to take the twisted and indistinct path through the woods.

"Why would that blue haired kid kill nurse Laynards anyway? He was my first kill. Fucking smurf", I muttered in bitterness to myself. Clenching my fists, I threw a powerful punch into the bark tree, following a dull throbbing that ached throughout my knuckles. The crumbly front layer of the trunk had flaked away because of the impact. Beads of blood began to form, as I pulled my hand back in agonising pain.

Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Just like your Dad.


If Dad was alive then maybe my life wouldn't be as tragic. Maybe my mother and sister wouldn't bring a new guy home every-night and maybe I wouldn't be 'fucked up'.

I yelled into the sky, misery leaking from my every word. I wish the day would come, a single day when I don't think about what I'd be like if everything was perfect. Maybe that day is when I finally self destruct.

I reached up and plucked a little sour berry from the branch of the tree. Rolling it absent mindedly between my fingertips I glanced at the cuts on my knuckles, and allowed the sticky juice to drip and singe my wounds. It was a rewarding experience; pain.

Having just noticed the rain I held onto my bleeding hand, and started to walk home. I was prepared for whatever punishment was waiting at home.

The sound of a branch snapping caused me to freeze and whip my head around but nobody was to be seen standing behind or beside me. Instinctively I reached inside of my pocket and pulled out my can of pepper spray. I tried to open the cap but before I knew it, a huge amount of impact was forced upon me and I felt myself crumple to the floor.

I looked up as my vision replaced the trees and the clouds with spiraling black dots. I felt my head start to s p i n, and my ears rang continuously

c o n t i n u o u s l y.

The last thing I noticed was blue as




d a r k n e s s.

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