< S I X >

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Heavy Cross" By Gossip

< S I X >


Jack frowns at my suspicious expression, “Is something wrong?”

Quirking an eyebrow I point at my lap, “Pants?”

His neck immediately goes beet red making me chuckle. Jack begins scratching the back of his neck avoiding all eye contact before mumbling something so fast I don’t catch it. Waiting for him to clarify he looks at the carpet while rubbing his palms on the thighs of his jeans awkwardly I simply watch him growing more and more embarrassed.

Trying really hard not to laugh at him I bite my lip and ask, “Come again?”

Jack clears his throat, “Uh, I said that when you passed out you were all wet.”


“It rained last night so your…bottom was wet.”

Bottom? Oh my god where did this guy come from?

“Oh…well okay then.” I mutter, again trying to not laugh at Jack’s now reddened face or the nervous fidgeting or the fact he can’t look me in the eyes. All of which are just beyond adorable and oddly endearing when usually I’d find that frustrating or annoying. “So…”

“So…” He echoes still not looking at me.

Sighing I get up from the bed and grab a pair of nearby discarded sweatpants to cover my purple underwear draped…bottom. Crawling back onto the bed I find myself way more comfortable having seen him so worked up over me simply without pants on. The devilish side of me wonders what it would be like if I took my top off.

He’d probably have a coronary on the scratchy motel carpet.

“Lets get down to the nitty gritty here.” I sigh after a full minute of silence. I am not a fan of dancing around this issue any longer besides if I’m reading him right I’m sure Jackie boy here has a lot of questions of his own. “So here’s the deal, Jack.” I pause to see him close his eyes for a second before opening them to show twin blazing blue eyes making me stutter over my words. “W-We both have questions so let just get to that bit, yeah?”

“Okay.” He nods.

“Great!” I say with as much fake cheer as I can muster, “You first.”

He purses his lips but relents, “Fine. How did you get all bruised up?”

“Going for the jugular huh?” I grimace.

Jack shrugs, “I’m a straight to the point kind of guy.”

Internally I’m calling bullshit but I let it slide for now.

“I head rammed a fist.” I shrug, “Were you born a werewolf?”

“I’m being serious.” He scowls at me.

“So am I.” I say slowly.


“Yes, Jack?”

He scowls even deeper, “What happened?”

I roll my eyes and sigh feeling annoyed; “Since you picked put my name from the conversation from my mother I assume I don’t really need to go into all that. Do I, Jack?”

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