Ode: To A Social Security Bureaucrat

1.5K 10 4

a room full of bureaucrats

faces glowing from pastel

shades of computer screens

desks cluttered with stacks

of very important papers

vital statistics filling

appropriate boxes on forms

replicated in pixels

apprehension fills the waiting

room as numbers are called

as problems are presented

and few solutions occur

without further stressful

inquiry as new searches

for supporting documents

send many home again

number fifty-three is called

i rise and find my own

bureaucrat a smiling

young man who listens

patiently and kindly without

condescension or disdain

and with a few taps on his

keyboard erases my dilemma

so i salute this kind young man

who pushed aside the common lie

that bureaucrats have some evil plan

when they’re just as human as you and i

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