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Imagine you stumble down an alleyway, the tears cascading down your porcelain face. You slide down the wall and curl up into a ball. You’ve suffered from depression for a while now, but it’s at its worst at the moment. Your step-dad has been beating you up and you’re afraid to tell anyone, including your mum. You’re afraid that she won’t believe you and will side with him. Lately you’ve been self – harming, hoping it will distract from everything but it’s not working. You continue crying heavily, your sobs echoing around the place. You hear light footsteps nearing your fragile body. A dark shadow is cast on the wall, then on you. You look up to see a young man, looking down at you apologetically. He sits down beside you and on further inspection you discover that it is in fact Nathan Sykes. The Wanted are the only things keeping you sane. ‘Want to talk about it?’ he whispers wiping your tears delicately with his thumb. ‘My step-dad is abusing me, I self-harm and suffer from depression’ I mumbled playing with my thumbs. ‘I understand, I used to suffer from depression a few years ago, before I got in the band. My parents split up and I was torn between them both. I ended up living with my mum, and had to look after my little sister when she was at work. I used to self - harm too until I got found out. I saw a doctor and slowly but surely I began to get better. You will too’ he whispered putting his arm around me. ‘I’ll make sure of it’ he whispered. ‘I’ll take care of you.’

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