Sunshine Daisies

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*George's POV*

"Wake up or you'll be late for your morning rehearsal!"

"Shut up and go away!"

I dodged a book that flew toward my head as I stood in the doorway of Freya's room, I tried not to laugh as I waved my wand and removed her blankets from the bed.

"I hate you," Freya growled as she glared at me before finally getting up.

"No you don't," I laughed as I leaned against the door frame. Freya tossed shirts and pants on the floor looking for her uniform, "if you didn't have me around who would get you up for class if you were late?"

"Am I late?!" Freya turned around and looked at me worriedly while holding her plaid skirt and a black polo.

I chuckled, "not if you don't get dressed now and take your breakfast with you."

Freya nodded, slamming the door in my face and quickly emerging in her uniform, hefting her bag on her shoulder and rushing pass me. "Thank you for waking me by the way," Freya called as she rushed into the dining room and grabbed two pancakes and sausages.

"So what are we doing today?" Fred called from the living room.

"Sight seeing sound good to you?" I shrugged slightly as I grabbed a piece of toast.

"I suppose if that's the only thing we can do..." Fred huffed.

"Well...Freya did say we could watch those movies she has or we can go venture outside," I walked over to the closet where Freya told me she kept all the movies and glanced over all the foreign titles. Freya had pointed out the ones that she adored, I was still at a lost as to any of these.

"Hm...let's watch...that one," Fred offered as he pointed to one, I grabbed it and setup the movie like Freya showed me a few days ago.

I really wish I had remembered what Freya had said about this movie....

*Freya's POV*

I walked up the steps of my apartment and opened my door when I noticed that it wouldn't budge, I tried to push on it but it didn't work.

"Guys?! Fred?! George?! Are you there?! I need you to open the door!" I called through the wood paneling.

I heard about a thousand clicks and then I was pulled rather harshly through the door, "Hey! what's going on?!"

"Is it safe?!" George cupped my cheeks and looked at me intently, trying to look for something.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! what's going on?! Stop, get off me!" I slapped both their hands away as they took a step away.

"W-w-we watched a of those scarier ones..." Fred shivered as he tried not to think about it.

"What movie?" I asked curiously as I walked to the living room, on the coffee table sat the case for the movie; the twins had watched Resident Evil. I couldn't help but laugh. "God. You're wizards you fools...."

"It's all fake you know? There's no T-Virus and it won't attack you..." I tried not to laugh as they looked at me with concern. "How about we go for a walk? It'll make you feel better."

The twins looked at each other and nodded reluctantly before I put my things down and we walked out of the apartment and down the streets. I tried not to laugh every time a dog passed us and the twins immediately sped up the pace and watched the dog walk away from them, at one point we passed a sandwich shop and Fred made a comment about how he really wanted one but we didn't stop. It was geting dark and the twins were getting jumpier by the second, at one point I laughed, we had just turned a corner and a couple of girls appeared and Fred and George screamed like girls which caused the girls we ran into to look at them as if they were insane.

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