~Chapter Twelve~

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Chapter Twelve

I don’t know where I was running to; all I knew was that I had to get away from Sam. We had gotten too close and I couldn’t risk him finding out what I really am. I had made it into town and I was getting some weird looks, so I stopped running and leaned against the wall of an alley. I took deep breaths (even though I didn’t need to) and I felt a pain in my heart. I grasped my chest. How was this possible? I wiped the red from my face and slid down the wall to sit on the cold ground. This was all wrong. I shouldn’t be feeling this.  I sat for a few minutes before I felt a presence standing next to me, “You okay, girly?” I looked up at the man. He was tall and he wore a nice suit.

I nodded, “Yeah.” I stood up and pushed past the stranger before he could say anything else to me. I started to make my way back to the motel, dreading the moment when I would walk through the door and have to face Sam. I even contemplated turning and running in the opposite direction and avoiding the Winchesters for the rest of their lives. I couldn’t bring myself to do it though. I felt like I had to face Sam, even if I really didn’t want to, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. I would always think about how I ran away from my problems and how cowardly it is to do so. I eventually made it back to the motel and up to our room. I stood in front of the door, my hand on the knob, and willed myself to open the door. Finally I twisted the handle and pushed open the door. I stepped in the room to see Dean sitting on one of the beds, flipping through the channels on the TV. I looked around the room, “Where’s Sam?”

Dean didn’t turn his attention away from the TV, “He took a walk.” I nodded and stood awkwardly in the doorway. Dean pressed the power button on the remote, “Scar, he told me what happened.”

I sighed, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Dean nodded, “I know. I just wanted to say that-” Dean never got to finish his sentence because Sam walked up to the room and stood behind me in the doorway. Dean looked at the two of us and stood up, “I have to go…somewhere else.” He walked out of the room and patted my shoulder as he moved past me. I gave him a small smile and moved farther into the room, Sam following behind me. I heard the door slam shut and I sighed.

Sam started to speak, “Scarlett, I want to apologize for kissing you and telling you all that stuff and trying to force you to voice your feelings for me. It was unfair and uncalled for and I just hope that you can forgive me.”

I stayed facing away from him because I knew that if I looked into his eyes then tears would fall down my face. Running a hand through my hair, I spoke, “I want to forgive you, Sam.  Just, please can we not talk about what happened ever again?”

“Of course.”

I nodded, “Have you found a new case yet?”

Sam shook his head, “No, but I’m looking.”

“I hope we find something soon. I’m getting restless.” Sam nodded in agreement and I turned to the door, “Dean, you can come back in now!”

The door opened slowly and a sheepish Dean walked into the room, “I just got back from the vending machine.” I shook my head at him. Liar.

I put my hands on my hips, “Really? Where’s your snack?”

Dean pursed his lips, “I ate it already.”

I narrowed my eyes, “Sure.” I sat in one of the wooden chairs and picked up the newspaper that had been lying on the table. I started flipping through it while Sam and Dean started talking about finding a case.

“Dean, it’s not always easy to find a case.”

Dean sat on his bed, “How hard could it be? There’s supernatural stuff everywhere.”

Sam rolled his eyes, “If you think it’s so easy then why don’t you find one.”

Dean thought for a moment and said, “Too much work.”

I laughed at the two and threw the paper back on the table, “Bolton, Connecticut.”

The brothers looked at me and Dean narrowed his eyes, “What?”

I shut my eyes and leaned back in my chair, “Bolton, Connecticut. A weird string of murders have recently taken place. Let’s go.” I stood from the chair and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder I walked out of the room and towards the Impala. Once I got to the car I opened the door to the backseat and slid in. I pulled out my phone and called Bobby. I haven’t spoken to him since I left his house four months ago.

He picked up on the first ring, “Hello?”

I smiled, “Hey, Bobby, you up for a hunt?”

I heard him sigh, “Where is it?”

“Bolton, Connecticut.”

“Why do you need my help?”

I started inspecting my nails as I spoke, “Well we don’t need your help. I just missed you and wanted to know if you wanted to go on a hunt ‘cause I know you’ve been sitting in your house doing nothing for the past four months!”

He laughed, “I’ll meet you there.” I laughed and hung up the phone. The front doors creaked as they were opened and Sam and Dean sat in their seats.

I put my phone into my pocket, “I called Bobby and he wants in, so he’s meeting us there.” Dean nodded and started the car. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove smoothly down the road. Most of the journey was spent in silence. There was the occasional argument between the brothers, but that was normal. I sat in the back trying not to think about Sam sitting in front of me and hoping that things could go back to the way they were before he confessed his love for me and I turned him down like the heartless bitch that I am. I need to stop thinking like that. In the long run it was good that I turned him down. He won’t get hurt this way and I won’t have to worry about disappointing him.


You guys are the best fans ever. I was reading the comments from last chapter and they make me so happy, like you guys have no idea. Then I feel bad because I'm so terrible at updating. You guys deserve better than me, but unfortunatley you're stuck with me as the author of this story. Thank you so much for sticking with it and voting and commenting. I can't believe it has over 200 votes, that's amazing! This chapter is short and boring, but it's building up to something awesome, I promise! You deserve better, so I'm going to try really hard to be better and I promise to update before the end of the week. And if I don't then feel free to leave nasty comments or yell at me or whatever you so desire to do. Thanks again, I love you all!

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