Chapter 6: Changing

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His hand was cold but so was mine, he can feel my emotions I recalled. He decided to asked me something.

"Why did you feel so alone and abandoned, a few moments ago?" Jasper asked.

"Shut it." I whisper yelled at him.

Damn it!! I can't explain this to him yet, let alone the rest of them. I hoped no one other then Alice heard that. To my great disappointment Edward stepped forth and said

"What are you doing here, why did you leave?"

Oh great, just amazing! I knew everyone heard him. How in the name of hell was I going to explain this one?!? I chose to build my wall and stand my ground on this.

"That is my own issue and I'd prefer to keep it that way, Edward." I spoke firmly.

His face faltered and I took my only chance at getting out of this mess, I turned to Alice and said the very words that doomed my life.

"Alice, do you want to go shopping in the morning?"

Her face lit up like a thousand fireworks on Thunder Over Louisville, she started jumping up and down.

"Now you've done it." Jasper whisper in my ear.

"I know what I am doing, trust me. This won't last much longer." I whispered back.

"What are you going to do?" Jasper whisper again.

"Come with and you'll see." I whisper with an evil grin spreading across my face.

I saw his head nod, apparently Alice wasn't paying much attention to our little exchange. She started to giggle at the images in her head of all the outfits she wanted to dress me in.

"YES! Thank you so much Bells, I promise I won't let you down!" screamed Alice.

I stared at her in wonder as she called me Bells, it seemed familiar in a way. I felt a frown slide into my lips, that's what my mother said in the past vision I saw a few minutes ago. Se called me Bells before walking off with that man I called my father...

"What's wrong?" asked Edward.

"Nothing, just thought of something strange." I stated.

I plastered a grin to my flawless face and she dropped it. Jasper arched his eyebrows at me as if asking why I am lying. Jeez! I need to control my inner emotions now? I will have to work on it since it dosn't seem Jasper or the rest of the Cullen's were going anytime soon. I shot him a 'keep it quiet and I'll explain later when I'm ready' type of look. He nodded again.

I wondered what time it was, I pulled out my cell and it said 1:36 a.m. I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. 

"Well it was really nice meeting you all, but I am still half human and I need at least a few hours of sleep." I stated.

Carlisle walked forward a bit, and said "You can sleep?"

I nodded to answer him.

"If I'm going shopping in the morning, then I need close to half the required time of a human of shut-eye. Lets head back to my place." I said to them all.

"Your clothes are wet, are you not cold?" said Edward.

'Not really, watch this." I said with a wide grin crawling up my face. I took a deep breath and focused,  I felt the water drops slowly come off my clothes one at a time. I felt that glowing pull in my gift yet again. I let them all hang in the air around me, I opened my eyes to see everyone staring in amazement at the drops around me. I giggled.

WAIT! I don't giggle! What's happening to me? I'm not sure but I am kind of scared and overjoyed at the same time by it. I created a ball of water and considered throwing it at Edward, I choose to put it back into my beautiful creek. I don't want anything to be ruined in the creek.

"Everyone ready?" I asked, I had nods in response.

A thought popped into my head and I decided to act on it. "I'll race you, Edward." I challenged.

"Yeah right like anyone could beat me!" scoffed Edward.

He was very cocky about his abilities.

"Your on!" I stated as I ran off. 

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