Chapter Three

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It has been two days since I told John how I felt, and two days since we officially became a couple. Wich is funny because that same night, I found out Kade and Veronica had also just became an official couple. It was like fate planned everything. Harry is all alone in the flying-solo pool though.....but I guess we'll just have to find him someone of his own.

"Hey guys," I said walking back into our lounge. "I talked to Jerry, and he says he got us a gig at someplace called Rising Star." "Who's Jerry again?" I sighed. Harry was always calling Jerry, our manager, Bob. Why? I have no idea. So whenever we talk about Jerry, he has no idea who we are talking about, because to him it's not Jerry, it's Bob.

"Jerry is our manager Harry," John said slowly. I quietly laughed, and then got down to business. "So I don't have a lot of details, but apparently the whole place has been rented, and we were requested by the guy who's throwing the party. I'm not sure what the party is for, but it pays pretty well. It's nothing special. Just a small thing for us to do before we hear back from those big time guys. Oh and Rising Star is a bar. So what do you guys think?"

"I'll go if you go." John said pulling me onto his lap. "I don't see why not?" Veronica agreed. "For the money!" Harry shouted." "I guess that settles it," Kade said. I picked up a pillow and threw it Harry. "Kay guess we're going, but remember this is just in the meantime. And wear something sexy Harry, I'm gonna try and hook you up with someone." "Um okay?" "Good!" I said clapping my hands and getting off John. "Pack a small bag, it's a little ways from here." I reminded everyone and left to go get dressed.

It was still a couple hours before we had to leave so we were all gathered around in the living room deciding what to do. "The movies?" "Nah too every-day-ish." " Bungee jumping!" "No I don't want to get a rash.....down there.." Harry said. "OOH OOH I GOT IT!" I said clapping and bouncing on our springy couch. "The circus! Take me to the circus Johnny!" I said playfully while throwing my arms around his neck and nearly making us both fall over."I dont think the circus is in town baby," "Awww," I said deflated. We continued bouncing around ideas till we settled on playing Guitar Hero for the next hour.

"My turn!" I said popping up and grabbing a guitar before anyone could stop me. "Me and you Harry." "Fine lets go!" "Be careful with her, her spirits crush easy," John joked. I glowered at him. "Shut up!" John just started laughing. I scowled turning my attention back to the T.V. We selected Free Bird and started playing. Saying I was bad was an understatement. I was absolutely horrible. And it didnt help that everyone was laughing the whole time. I was so, so very bad compared to Harry. He was flippin awesome! Fake guitars were nothing like real guitars at all. I was actually good at real guitars. By the end of the song, I had a score of 25, while Harry had an average of three hundred. I dropped my guitar, and crossed my arms over my chest with a pout on my face. "This games stupid anyway." I said, wich only made everyone laugh harder. I stomped my foot acting like a child. "You guyyyysss!" "Don't laugh at meee!" we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"C'mon kids, time to go! Especially you Jax." Jerry joked. I flipped him off, wich caused the laughing to start up again, and I couldn't help but crack a smile. Jerry just smiled and left the room. I spun on my heel before anyone could see me smiling and proceeded to grab my shoes, bag, and jacket. I waited for everyone to be ready before we all started making our way to the car, and our journey to Rising Star, began


alright so here's chapter three and I know its short, but I didnt want the next part, to be in the same chapter so ya thanks! VOTE COMMENT FAN!!!!! :) :) :) :) ! Thanks!. And enjoy the picture of my other cat, Chloe! Beautiful no? Ya if you haven't noticed by now I'm a total cat person.....I could literally talk about my cats forever! They are my babies! And I wanted to share them with you haha so yup that's Chloe! :) :) :) :)

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