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A/N Supp guys! I know it’s Monday but yeah, sorry.

NO MORE EXAMS... which means more writing, woooooooo c:

Here’s chapter seven c: written by #Timo

Enjoy && thank you all for the wonderful comments, votes and reads. This really does mean a lot to all of us because it makes us want to write more for you guys.

I don’t know when the next chapter will be up but please be patient with us.

Love you all<3





Amber’s POV

I stared at Jesse and Julia making out against the wall wildly.


Was all that went through my mind. If he saw this, how would he react? His girlfriend with his best friend. He’d be pissed. No, more than that. He’d be broken. Into a million pieces shattered all over the floor. Yet he still had the right to know. Then again, she had a right to know him and I kissed. Wait, no she doesn’t! Amber, snap out of it and show him. 

I jogged over to Hunter.

“Hunter, come here now!” I said trying to drag him over to the toilet block.

“Wait the show bags.” He said, slowly grabbing them from the ground.

“Forget them now!” I demand trying to pull him over again, this time he followed me tugging the show bags along.

They were gone.

Where did they go? I looked around confused on how and where they could have disappeared off to so fast.  

"What was so urgent, that couldn't wait?" Hunter asked baffled as to why I dragged him over here in such a rush.

"He...she...ah forget it, the sun and the heat must be getting to me, let’s just go home." I huffed.

Julia’s POV – Earlier

“Dad, can I have money for the Ekka?” I called from the kitchen of my house.

“Sure thing, baby girl.” My dad said walking into the kitchen with $100 notes. “100, 200, 300, 400, 500.” He counted. “Is this enough?” He handed the money to me.

“More than enough.” I rolled my eye and grabbed the money.

My father always spoilt me like this. He was scared that I might leave too, like my mother did when I was only two years old. My dad had to take care of me since. He never replaced her. He still loved her, but she? She didn’t even love her own daughter.

I personally didn’t go to the Ekka for the dodgy rides and rip-off games with the cheap prizes. I went for the various amounts of hot guys that went there that were willing for a hook up.

I walked to the bus stop closest to my house to see a boy sitting there all by himself. Poor thing, looks like he could use some company. He had blond messy hair and blue oceanic eyes.

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